i went out in my backyard and cut down a branch from my redwood. went in my garage. stripped the bark off. drilled a hole for the bowl to sit in [it's removable]. drilled the stem. sanded this guy down and carved the mouth a little. hits like a champ. give me your true thoughts.
I'm kind of new to this whole thing. But to me that looks really good. Like nicely made and everything. Welldone!
it took a while to sand this guy but it was so worth it. and since it's fresh. the wood actually does help the flavor
dude that's pretty sick. now you have a sentimental piece that you made that wont break. i hope you have a lot of good time with that piece man. +rep for taking the time to make it.
oh hahah your probably wondering why its not working either. i was high as hell when i tried to get mine to work and couldnt figure it out for a bit. go back to the page your sig is on and right by the input sig box there will be a box saying use sig or whatever click the box then hit save and it should work. hope that helps.