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My first Cheapie Homemade Pipe :)

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Warpclaw, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Ok so since I broke my only two glass bowls...I made my own pipe :)

    And is the pipe still hazardous since instead of plastic, I used a metal nut bowl. That way, will I reduce/eliminate any possibility of burning plastic if I do not keep the lighter near the plastic white bowl-to-pipe connector part?

    OH YEA, it has a carb hole too :cool:


    Happy toking :bongin:
  2. bump...need answers
  3. Chances are with the metal so close to the plastic, lighting the bowl a couple of times will cause it to heat up and melt the plastic. Just roll a doobie
  4. Test it out. If you taste plastic or anything unpleasant, stop using it. Didn't you just buy a metal pipe?
  5. Just go buy some papers dude. I never get people who use this homemade plastic stuff when a pack of 100 papers in about a dollar.
  6. #6 GanjasoarusRex, Jan 5, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2012
    Fuck that shit your health really worth some "cheapie" homemade pipe. Seriously bro thinknabout that shit. I wouldn't recommend using any plastic whatsoever when smoking.
  7. Yea, but it didn't work, so I made this..

  8. Please explain how it didn't work. I'm not mocking your or trying to make fun of you. I am genuinely interested.
  9. If your gona make a simple homemade pipe atleast make it out if wood, or all metal. Even if your not putin the lighter on the plastic your still getin the plastic warm and inhaling its fumes.
  10. wut, dude dont smoke through that. lol

  11. There was a manufacturing error where there was no hole to inhale from....couldnt return it
  12. bro go to your LHS and skip buying a bag one time and go buy a 20 dollar pipe.. I dont get why people always make home made pipes, you are obviously buying buds so why dont you just reduce your intake for a week or 2 and use the extra money to buy a pipe and until then roll a joint
  13. lolwut.
  14. [quote name='"Warpclaw"']

    There was a manufacturing error where there was no hole to inhale from....couldnt return it[/quote]

    Man im pretty sure its illigal to sell faulty merchandice should easily be able to get your money back.
  15. It was an Exxon gas store since headshops are illegal in New Jersey....
  16. Ey thats pretty legit as far a janky piece can go. I tip my hat to you
  17. [quote name='"Warpclaw"']

    It was an Exxon gas store since headshops are illegal in New Jersey....[/quote]

    like a gass station? Cus if you bought if from a legit store im pretty sure you should still be able to get your money back. Unless the stores return policy is strict.
    Just tryin to help you get your moneys worth man.
  18. Make an apple pipe...not a plastic pipe...
  19. [​IMG]
    Na lol but it looks like you will inhale plastic fumes.
  20. The bowl seems to be really far away from the pipe itself.

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