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My attempt at homemade bong (inline diffuser, diffused downstem, double perc, etc.)

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by MisterDudeness, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. #1 MisterDudeness, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2010
    I've seen some fairly cool and creative home made bongs out there so here is my attempt at one:

    Here are some pictures:

    It has a clay bowl which leads down to a inline diffuser (I think thats what it is) with 6 notches in it. That then is connected to a diffused downstem by some surgical tubing. From the downstem it goes into the main (largest) chamber where it is then pulled through two percs and a ice catcher (the white jar at the top). Any comments and critiques are appreciated!
  2. looks pretty solid. My best homemade was a glass teapot with a hole in the top and a bowl made out of something too complicated to describe. I'd smoke out of your piece any day instead of my shitty homemade...or I'd just smoke out of my little one footer. Still nice piece for a homemade.
  3. def cool :D
  4. #4 MisterDudeness, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2010
    Thanks! Good thing is that all the materials used (except for the glue holding it all together, plastic tube and the percs) are ok to smoke out of. Glass, Clay and Stainless steel...WIN. :D
  5. innovative, but be careful. You have about every single component that you shouldnt be heating up and smoking out of there.
  6. I take it plastic is still bad to use even if the smoke has been cooled before it hits the plastic?
  7. the problem is all the heat generated around the down stem area when you are ripping it. It will start heating up and vaping plastic not good
  8. And no amount of cooling can stop the smoke's heat from vaping the plastic?
  9. its not the heat fromt he smoke, its the lighting source that is the killer.
  10. well there is no plastic by the heat source. It's all clay, stainless steel and plastic that is close to the heat source. Is that ok?
  11. yeah should be good then as long as you dont heat up the clay n stuff. make sure if u taste any weird plasticcy or chemical taste stop using it
  12. Ok, thank you for the info!
  13. is it just me, or can i not see the pics.
  14. Nice work! Looks solid. Yea, just make sure the platic isn´t beeing heated to much, don´t want you inhaling nasty toxic fumes do we now.
    Hope it hits like a beast!

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