So I see tons of threads with all these WAY expensive glass bongs that have like a million percs in em. I am wondering if there are any companies that make these types of bongs but PLASTIC, not glass. I have only smoked out of a "tree perc" bong a few times and I have never owned one, but it seams to me that if u knocked the bong over or hit it hard enough those percs would be pretty fragile. With plastic it would eliminate that and would be WAAAY cheaper.
So? There are plenty of companies that make plastic bongs. I just wanna know if they make multi-perc plastic bongs.
LOL My lungs? Are u implying that smoking from a plastic bong is going to be bad for my lungs? Smoking from any bong is gonna be bad for u. U are inhaling fucking SMOKE man. To say using a glass bong is HEALTHIER is retarded.
Yeah I have seen many of these types. I am wonderign if they actually make liek the tree-percs in plastic, and if they dont they need to!! I would buy that shit.
I haven't seen any to be honest so you might be out of luck. If you want though you could make a homemade tree perc and use some tubing from homedepot so it looks legit. I've made a couple perc bongs recently (for funs, friends like it w/e w/e ha) and I haven't gotten around to making a presentable one do to my extremely limited funds. Google or search here for a tree perc bong tutorial and that should give you all you need to know about making em. Goodluck.
That actually might be somethign fun to do on a shitty weekend. Thanks man. But I am sure the tree-perc will eventually go to plastic bongs wont it?
i know any type of smoke in the lungs is bad. I just had a friend whom made a homemade and smoked out of it and now has bad asthma. yeah he was dumb to do so, just dont want it to happen to anyone else.
UHHHHHHH Holy shit dude, U have taken home made bongs to a WHOLE NUTHA LEVEL! I live in Rochester, bout 2 1/2 hours from seattle. I am not really lookin for a "home made" bong though.
Actually after lookin at your collection what kind aprices u got? LOL U are makin some CRAZY fuckin shit man!! I want like one of those PVC pipe long percs. That looks good and sturdy.
i asked this question awhile ago. i would love to see if there are multi perc acylic bongs or something similar
I've had the idea of making SG, toro style replica tubes out of acrylic - injection moulded - looks exactly like glass except has none of the weaknesses I'd call it Travel Heady - they aren't there to replace glass tubes, just give you a portable, party safe option
honestly I have never seen a plastic tree perc. You should try looking at some lower to medium range glass bongs. I really wanted a bong with a tree perc and I am a poor college student so I went with a beaker 3 arm tree perc with a diffy and ice catchers for like 170. I saw ones for cheaper too, and in Buffalo NY glass isn't really cheap so I'm sure if your in the West Coast they are even cheaper. Just save up for abit.