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Metal kazoo pipe help

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Spongebrain, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. Yo everyone. I have a metal kazoo that is dying to be turned into a piece. Only problem is that I can't unscrew the top part (where the bowl will be). I already poked the wax paper thing out of it but I can't put a screen in it. Suggestions? A friend of mine made one by putting some screen into the bowl and it hit pretty damn well but I was wondering what you guys have to say. Thanks in advance.
  2. sounds pretty neat .
  3. Pics would be nice...

    But if you have a torch heat it up real hot and knock it off with a hammer or a flathead/chizzle+hammer combo.

  4. How would I reattach it after? It's your run of the mill metal kazoo. I got it at Newbury comics yesterday.
  5. why do you want to remove it if you are going to put it on after? You be better off getting a metal screen , like from your kitchen sink faucet , and using a torch to weld it into the metal . Just push the screen down , weld all around it . THe biggeer the screen the farther away the weld would be from your toke point.
  6. buy a pipe /thread

  7. I wanted to remove it so I could put the screen where the little vibrating paper was. I ended up getting an aerator screen that fits PERFECTLY.

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