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Mana Energy Drink >> DIY Micro Bubblah!!!!

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by diy bubblahs, May 24, 2011.

  1. So, i love messin around n' makin homeade stuff and i just made this one and just had to share cause i'm super proud =D I used a mana energy drink bottle that i got a couple years ago (I kept it cause it was cool looking. found it earlier today and got inspired), one of those metal mechanical pencils, a metal pen, a socket, and a bunch of electrical tape. It's really small and i'm not sure how it'll work (gotta get me hands on some weed first) but yeah, its my brand new baby bubbler!! haaaaa:smoking:

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  2. might actually scorch your nose !!
  3. Yeah, it is pretty close, but there's enough room
  4. A year ago my hair would be in flames.
  5. Agh! kkeep my head shaved all the time bro ha ha
  6. is the mana potion glass or plastic?
  7. Did you get it at a local 7-11 or what? That would be a pretty sick A/C on my homemade.

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