I'm new to baking and wanted to make an weed oil with a 1: 1 THC - CBD mix. My question is, when doing my decarb do I add equal weights or equal strength of weeds? For example, my THC has a strength of 15% and CBD is 30%. I want to use 28 grams , do I add 14 grams of each or do I double the THC to 18.6 grams CBD to 9.3 grams so the there is an equal percentage of each.
I can only speak from experience, I use thunder struck which is 10%THC/15%CBD which makes a great edible for sleep Think equal amounts would be fine but adding and subtracting a few grams of each flower to even the percentages should not hurt your end product Typically I tell people to start with a gram or two for a test batch before committing to a larger batch processing Don't obsess over getting to a 1:1 ratio, close enough should be fine Some of the non THC cultivars I work with when making chocolates