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made a natural ashcatcher, all glass! gong joint

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by aad453, Nov 18, 2010.

  1. just made this stuff...

    Attached Files:

  2. that's pretty sweet
  3. it hits nice, ill attach a milk vid. all you need to make it is to find your local glass supply store, and as long as they didnt stop selling borosilicate tubing (because of crackheads) you can but a piece (they come in 4ft lengths) and make a bunch of pipes out of it, i am just using a plumbers torch to heat it... you can buy the tubing online too but usually you have to buy ALOT... and you have to get the gong joint online its like 1.50 each, cheap stuff...
  4. [ame=]YouTube - Ash catcher.wmv[/ame]
  5. :smoke:Thats pretty sick that you made that

    I dig it
  6. sweet stuff. i wish I could make stuff out of glass.. :eek: looks like something that would go great with a zong. lol
  7. Lol i find it amazed how you can make glass peices :eek: could u tell me how someone could start?
  8. You just need oxygen and propane, a couple regulators and a torch and you can glassblow. But without a kiln everything you make that's bigger then a pendent is going to break sooner then later. But it's definetly fun stuff
  9. how much wuld a decent torch run u guys i have a small hand torch at home but im lookin to get something bigger and standing.

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