Today at work I was really stoned and wanted to Mae a kick ass pipe or something. I work at a wheel place. I took a rubber valve stem and took out the valve core. Then I stuck a socket in the other end. I wasent sure at this time what it would end up being. I then take my Chapstick that has been used up and gutted the inside out of the thread thingy in the inside and stuck the other end of the valve stem in it. After that I took the plastic tubing from my m&m's and put the Chapstick tube in it. Sealed up with play dough! It's a slide by the way! Check it out! I have a pipe by the way, I was just really bored and wanted to be creative! Hits like a bong! Really smooth
Two thumbs down man I am sure it's not healthy to smoke out of at all but it is creative I will give you that.
Plastic releases toxins when heated to any degree. The smoke is warm enough to make it happen. Google would explain that If you inhale burning plastic god help you I did once and had a giant flash of a blue circle take over my vision for a second Last time I ever hit that homemade shitpipe
That really doesn't look much like a work environment at a "wheel place" lmao. In your other posts you're saying you're a 6 year smoker, you should know better than to be getting anywhere near that shit. The flame doesn't have to be in direct contact with any plastic for it yo be dangerous bud.
kinda crazy lookin, like a kindergartener would make lol good thing your not heating up the play dough i dont think theres any studys on what the fuck smoking playdough does to you. but id stick to your real pipes bro