Grasscity - Dab Rig Sale - 50% Discount

Collab Just Got Back From Gotham's 420 party; 14mm Salt/Snic Collab

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by DirtMcGurt, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. so i spent the last 6 hours or so chillin' at Gotham for their 420 party. it was pretty cool. way bigger turn out then for their black friday party. Slinger was there, Steve Bates, Pakoh, Hops, Zach P, Sara, Glass Monkey, a lot of great artists. grill was going outside, torch was going inside. it was an all around good time.

    this is what i ended up grabbing. i was so surprised it was still there. 1 of the 2 Salt/Snic collabs Gotham had. 14mm, Snic gas mask, two eyes and some teeth. don't even ask how much i paid. trust me, it was more than i should've for a slide. but i really can't even begin to explain how badass this slide looks in person, so on to the pictures.
  2. Dude that is a brutal ass piece plus rep
  3. LUCKY!!! Damn that is a fucking sick collab! I hate how I can't find any snic or salt by themselves in the denver/ boulder area. I wished a shop would get in some of their work near me...
  4. Dope pickup dirt!
  5. salts work looks so sick in black. great pick up man.
  6. that's amazing!
  7. #7 slippeh, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2009
    Nice pickup man, I almost ended up with that too. Guy who grabbed me a TORO Mini was going to grab me that slide if the tube was too much $..

    But I digress..that slide is sexy as hell. The gas mask really accentuates the slide, and those eyes are awesome
  8. Nice slide. I wanted to go to Gotham so bad, but I'm 18 and Long Island sucks! I'll be there next year :D
  9. thanks a lot everyone! :bongin:

    it's funny you say that. i went to Gotham thinking they had about 6-7 Snic/Salt collabs, but apparently they only had 2, the rest were just Salt but they were all completely black just like Snics style. it was kind of weird, but they did look really good. they were all very simple and classy.
  10. that piece is beyond sick dirt. i went back and forth for like an hour between that one ad the freeek torch a week ago. nice pickup enjoy it
  11. 6 hours? Damn must have been a blast.... my boss asked me for help on the computer for 20 mins, but kept me from 4:30 till 6:30.... the whole time i told him i have a doctors appointment.... he basically refused said he would pay my doctors cancelation and pay me overtime because it "had to be done".

    Anyway, that slide is fucking sick, i held that thing in my hand the other day, beast of a slide.... i saw the sticker price, im sure u payed much less but i could understand why it was so much, it's basically the work of 2 slides put into 1. doubled named push looks sweet.
  12. If only gotham was a west coast shindig. Congrats on adding another one-of-a-kind piece, i'm sure all wish they could even hold a collab like that.

    Legitcity all day man. btw it's napkin from fmb :wave:
  13. To be honest thats a pretty ugly bowl... Of course thats just my opinion (please dont bitch at me) looks like a GIANT waste of money... I mean, does it hit different than any other bowl piece? Dont mind me though, I wont judge you, hope you enjoy it!

    I hope that piece looks better in person than it does in the pic though.
  14. ^different strokes for different folks, salt's work inspires many different reactions. it's an art piece. that's what brings someone to this piece, not if it hits differently.
  15. Damn, that slide looks sick man!
  16. #16 Wrecked, Apr 19, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 19, 2009
    Yea I hear ya man. It probably looks ugly to me because its so different looking. At least he doesn't have to clean it since its not clear glass, thats a +
  17. won't find many people who buy heady slides or high end glass and don't clean it :smoking:
  18. complete and utter thread jacking, but any absolutely redic toro shit make it
    to gotham? ridiculous along the lines of the famous toro sax?
  19. wrecked, you're crazy. this thing is AWESOME. hahah

    as for Toro's...well, the sax is STILL there. i have a friend who's been talking about picking it up but i doubt it'll happen. i hope though, i'd love to hit it. but no, nothing too crazy from the Toro camp. lots of fixed stems and disk diffusers, some cool angled diffusers so you can throw a trash catcher on a regular tube. nothing i was really blown away by. i do have to say though, Gotham has a JAG, Sling, Snic, Deppe collab and i have literally never been so impressed by a tube in person.
  20. I loooove that slide, amazing pick up my man, if I could give you more rep I would.

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