Its hopeless for Virginia on decriminalization, let alone legalization.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by putinfanboy96, Aug 3, 2019.

  1. i mean who the hell else never wished they that they weren't banging ellie mae clampet off of the beverley hillbillies ???
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  2. I like semi bangable white chicks. its my thing.
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  3. back in the day she was hot as fuck
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  4. i dont know the girl you speak of. but i am still standing behind i like banging semi fuckable white chicks.
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  5. Google
  6. I mean, I wouldn't kick her out bed.
  7. Glad to say you're wrong. Decriminalization July 1, 2020. Medical Program legal July 1, 2020.
  8. "If you guys want marijauana legal in Virginia, you got no hope, same on the federal level, even with democrats in power you'll still not even get legal weed, or even decriminalized."

    Considering they are using the same method as Hitler, slave traders, and people whom abuse women... by saying something isn't acceptable based on a couple lies to commit various human rights abuses... what is the problem?

    Are there many Christians living there? They will find people conspiring in human rights abuses against themselves will be using the exact same method. Ask them why it is acceptable for them to do it to others but not to themselves. How many Christians have died because the United Nations chose to not only call lying to commit human rights abuses legal but also illegal not to do? And women? Etc?

    I actually did up a section of research to add to my research last night. It's sitting next to me. It's called the unwinnable argument. It shows 17 different ways to expose them and get them to confess to their crimes using basic psychology and sociology. A lot more if you expand out the generic sections.

    Remember when you choose to get involved in systematic racism you intentionally choose to commit crimes against your own citizens and nation. Which means they have to follow a pattern to achieve that goal. A pattern which cuts off at least 90% of their thinking ability as it holds them into it. Try it. It is because of the negative and positive associations to patterns must be switched inside the mind which limits their ability to think properly allowing them to make the stupid choice. You can do this by pretending that you support a country that conspires in crimes against humanity and pretend you are arguing that the governing systems main role should be to commit crimes against minorities and to cover it up like they have to do. Then try the other side of the argument. You will feel the electricity can flow in all the mind during one argument but not the other. And if you choose to do this daily you lose your ability to think rationally due to it cutting off the higher thought processes needed which require those smaller ones. By simple common sense.

    The main goal of human rights activists is that they want to break the law to commit crimes against their citizens and nation because they think it is in their interests to... and you need to make it not in their interests to break the law. So if you are not willing to even point out their crimes... don't be surprised if they want to continue them.

    For example when you join our police or army in Canada the first thing they will do is to let you know even though their job and role is to protect the citizens and country by enforcing crimes against humanity laws... they ask them to break the law to commit crimes against humanity against us for money. If you don't agree to break the law then you are not welcome and turfed out.

    How else do you think they have so many people whom will break the law to commit the crimes?

    They can deny it all they want too but they have to test them because if they do not they will come back and arrest the leaders for the larger crimes they are running against their citizens and country by doing their job. So they will find they did test them in some way according to science and logic. Same as Doctors, politicians, etc.

    To test it... the crime they are conspiring in is crimes against humanity. Ask them to investigate it, or ask them what it is. Suddenly you will have groups that are in fear of doing their job and role. And laws that cannot be explained by them.

    There are thousands of different ways to expose them and their crimes. And since the terrorist groups they claim to hate use the same method... the debates do not last long.

    Remember in racist societies they will not talk about crimes against humanity and have to either keep them ignorant, or change the meaning. Otherwise you cannot get the population to be involved. It would be like telling them not to touch a hot pan. All will do it if they do not think it is hot. But only a few when they know it is. So in racist societies they keep them ignorant to it to gain a majority because then they can say they are not breaking any laws when they are breaking the worst ones. And of course none pay attention to politics to know the difference.

    Remember laws can be legal, or illegal. And racists do not care, or discuss it, because their main role and goal is to commit crimes against their nation and citizens. Unlike honest people. Which is why you can see the pattern switch in their minds.

    Why do you think my country, Canada, now needs to support the terrorist groups? It is because if it is not a crime for us to do it with the United Nations... then it is not a crime for them to do it. And we have to testify to that if they call us in court.

    All racism hurts you more then helps you. Just point it out. Like how the Christians will not be able to stop the crimes against them, or women, etc, while they are doing it to us. Simple logic.

    Right now they are only thinking about the money from the crimes. And you need to get them off that pattern and realize that their actions have consequences. Like having to support terrorist groups doing the same crime.

    The United Nations should have never engaged in crimes against humanity against us but thankfully that is why we now have more support then them since all human rights groups have no choice but to stand against them, or support the abuse of their own groups. Like the Christians. Ask them to give you the legal reasons some countries kill and abuse them. And then ask them to give the legal reasons behind jailing and conspiring in human rights abuses against us. Science says it will be the same. Even at the United Nation level.

    Once they get over the anger of not wanting to accept the truth because of the negative associations to accepting that truth they will eventually accept it no matter how much they kick and scream. According to science. And simply because even if they hate us... they like themselves. Or at least don't want themselves to die like is happening.

    Ask them. I used to love watching them squirm. But now most of them know they are using the same method Hitler used to rob and kill minorities to pay for their social programs and are only getting away with it because the United Nations asked them to commit the crimes and are not enforcing laws like they should be. So it is getting harder to find people whom will stand against our human rights groups wanting an explanation from the United Nations and them if they so choose.

    If you are afraid of them... there is something wrong. :)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Is it midnight yet?
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  10. What a difference a day makes! Yes, it's 5:34 AM and we're decriminalized and our Medical Program is legal! If we could just get a dispensary open or reciprocity with DC we would be set.
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  11. Decriminalized!!!!! Virginia will legalize soon, you just watch. The Governor is legit.
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  12. Could be sooner than we think. I'm not 100% sure if it will happen, but I think based on talks now by 2021 it will. But they're holding a special session in mid-August give or take, potentially, and have talked about introducing legalization earlier to address criminal justice reform. Let's see if it hits home.
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  13. It will get there eventually. Utah even though they butchered prop 2 at least budged on their stance. I agree though old religious men set in their ways make it super hard for progress. When will we see decriminalization of buds on a federal level? And ounce of bud in Salt Lake is $425, my buddy can get similarly potent buds in Washington state for $110. I would LOVE to see an open mat key on the internet. Then you could probably get an ounce for $60.
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  14. I was just reading of this in my NORML news. This is good for the south.
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  15. "I agree though old religious men set in their ways make it super hard for progress."

    Technically they are not "religious", and it is easy to change their ways since their own leaders tell us how to in their texts. The reason is because all moral leaders that last will be crimes against humanity experts in someway or another. Thus it is in their text.

    If it is Christian then simply check. Their leader tells their disciples to judge people by their actions and not what goes into their mouth because their actions make them unclean... not what is digested. That's because you can drink a glass of wine, or smoke a joint, and build a church, or beat their wives. Any moral leader would know this. So you judge people by their actions according to the leader they claim to follow. Which just makes sense.

    Along with this their teacher also teaches them not to lie to do things like jail people. Or lie to steal their money. Or lie to murder people. Rape women and children. All things they would have to agree with to help commit the crimes against cannabis users.

    Their leader also teaches them to stand up to government corruption.

    Does their actions sound like their leader?

    Now according to the christian church leaders in Canada they abandoned their god and their philosophers teachings to help the government commit crimes against us. For example if the church stood up against the corruption and told everyone the government is lying to steal our money and how their text is written on hemp, while they preached in a canvas(cannabis) tent, clothes, etc... or they are using the same method all racists use due to the fact they have too as their text teaches... would the governments be able to get away with it? What about the United Nations?

    For this reason you will have to corrupt or remove the moral institutions that deal with the crime to get away with any systematic racisms like they are doing with us. And to confirm we can check.

    If they did abandon their philosophers teachings to follow Harry J. Anslinger and his lying and raping campaign to steal money and fund government programs we can check his pattern against the philosophers they claim to still be following that others say they abandoned.

    Firstly they judge people by what goes into their mouth and not their actions because every government study after Ansligner says cannabis use does not lead to crime, violence, or delinquency. Thus we know they are not following that leader.

    Secondly they do not stand up to government corruption but yet instead help them in return for money, or other benefits, from helping the governing force commit the crimes against minorities and their own citizens. Does that sound like Jesus, or the rapist Anslinger?

    They also believe in lying to jail people. Lying to rob people. Lying to murder and rape men, women and children through the commission of the crime, and as required. They believe in bombing innocent people, or burning complete forests. They believe in killing world leaders with lies, or stealing children. And they believe in throwing obstacles in the path of others to name just a few things.

    Jesus, or Anslinger? Me and science believes the church leaders that say they abandoned their god and philosophers for money. Mainly because I know psychologically, and through AGI, why they would confess when they did.

    But when you know this you can then use their philosophers teachings such as how when they abandon their god you can call them out in a debate to see, and expose, whom they are following. All you need to do is accuse them of abandoning their philosophers teachings and claim they are lying about following that leader... yet do not want to admit it so they do not have to admit whom they are now really following. And why.

    At this point the good ones whom know their text and philosophers teachings will give up and side with you. The ones whom just claim to follow their teachings to not admit they follow liars, thieves, murders and rapists for the perceived benefits will continue on. And they will just prove you correct with the lies just as their philosophers teach you to look for when you do it.

    Besides they are using crimes against humanity against us. Science will tell you that their support of the crime means it will lead to the death of their own group somewhere. Simple logic. That always helps. :)

    But basically because we know they abandoned their philosophers to commit crimes it can be used to stop them by simple logic of what moral leaders roles are. All you have to do is put the science together and put it to use.

    Or you just point out that if they want to use a crimes against humanity experts text to conspire in crimes against humanity they will have to get much smarter since it is right in the text by simple logic. Or you can just point out how that they will need to corrupt it in the same way as they do every time. By simple logic.

    There are lots of ways to change their ways. I was born and raised in a church. Church every week, once an evening during the weeks, and of course 2 straight weeks in the summer. Then if anything popped up like a concert. I couldn't play summer, or winter, sports because it interfered with church. So I know both ways they teach it. One for crime, and one to stop it when they want. And since they are involved in the crime I already know what version they are teaching the public. And it is not their philosophers. And if they want to debate this then tell them to start the debate because your philosopher is not scared of any debate because they are not a crooked criminal. :thumbsup:

    So says the word of... whom? :sneaky:
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  16. I wonder what their opinion on this is now, now that it's been both decriminalized and legalized. Never say never, folks. Feels good to look back at the naysayers who not once acknowledged the possibility and constantly tried to tell everyone it would never happen.

    Also, looks like I was spot on! How awesome :)
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  17. I sure was wrong about the Commonwealth of VA! Never so glad to be wrong! It was not a slam dunk on the amendment to advance legalization to July 2021 instead of 2024. The Lt. Gov was the tiebreaker in the Senate. Governor Northam is awesome.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  18. Good news for VA. If people think this will spread to other Southern states I'm afraid they would be wrong. I said Kentucky would be the 50th state to pass it if at all. The Kentucky Senate has it blocked. In other words it's a dead issue. Indiana as well. Our Governor said he's for it but hasn't spoke out in support. In fact he hasn't done a damn thing. So happy for VA but fuck Kentucky.
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  19. #59 nuggiehead, Apr 16, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2021
    very true. and it's not just a race issue either. as a white dude with no anger issues or violent criminal history, i've been ruthlessly harassed and berated by them throughout my life despite the fact that i was always being compliant. manassas seems to have some of the worst of the powertripping lot. i legitimately laugh anytime one of them messes with the wrong motherfucker and gets murdered.

    you have to understand just how deep-rooted virginia's history of anti-cannabis policies have been up until recent years. we were ranked by norml as having the third toughest possession laws in the country. years ago, i almost went to jail for resin. it's been a week and i am still in absolute shock that i can legally grow in july. it still feels like i'm in a dream.
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  20. VA is a tale of two cities. Around DC and Maryland is a cool place. Inside the state you find your redneck hillbillies. Kentucky is one big redneck state from every corner of the state. Here's what blows my mind. Weed has been decriminalized in Louisville. Head shops everywhere. It sounds like to me they are okay with black market weed. Which mean that black market drug dealers and big pharma are in bed together. giving tons of money to people who are running for office. It is truly hopeless here,

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