It cost about $15 and it works well but is unfortunately made out of really thin glass, i think i might have bumped it and now there's a very thin crack visible in the neck even though it doesn't currently extend down to the base or appear to go all the way through. Should i ditch it or hang on to it ? Is it likely this crack is just gonna expand?
Keep an eye on the crack and run it into the ground. Maybe don't smoke anywhere with carpet because it might just fail randomly or if you bump it.
If you need a new one you can get some pretty good percolated bongs off amazon for under $30. I got an 11 inch with a honeycomb and a tree limb perc for about $25 a while back. Best bong I ever hit. Love it.
You could always put some silicone over the crack. May prevent it speading. Failing that, semen may work.