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I highly recommend sanitizing your Bong prior to first use...

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by SeamusCrispi_, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. So yesterday was my first time purchasing a bong from some local smoke shop.
    After getting a great deal ($70 for a nearly 2' all glass bong with a free bag), I head home and start packing the thing with my life-long buddy/life-long pot smoking buddy.
    This guy and I smoke an average of two blunts a day, no biggie. Neither of us have ever experienced any trips, weird highs, anxiety; it has always been nothing but getting zoomed and enjoying ourselves the whole time.
    Last night was a different case though... After the first hit (not my first time using a bong for those of you who will claim I wasn't used to the bong), everything seemed very odd... I went into some insane trip thinking I had some kind of disease?
    Sure this sounds like I'm just getting blasted from this newly purchased bong... but when your friend has the same trip, there is something up...
    I woke up and cleaned the bong: warm alcohol, salt, lime juice, warm hydrogen peroxide, left it in warm water for about 30+ minutes. I rip it to give it to test it out and viola! A nice peaked out high. No tripping, etc.
    I don't think it was anything serious... I know that they spray down the glass shelves with Windex and you never really know if any chemicals get into your bong.. Even though I'm sure it's not on purpose, you should clean it out before first use.
    Thanks for reading,
    Have a good one!


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  2. I clean every piece before using the first time. You have no idea how many hands have touched it.

    Sent from my island getaway.
  3. Was your trip relatable at all to going to Gilligan's Island? lol.

    My girlfriend, first time she smoked out of her new piece tripped bad. Really bad. After that she was fine! Sounds like your story.

    Keep it green!
  4. Also use iso, the alcohol will sterilize it.  You don't know how many people water tested the piece before you.
  5. lool first time i hit my my first bong i tripped so hard felt like i was hallucinating almost, i also had the same idea the next day that maybe the bong shop put some chemical drugs on my bowlpeice, wasnt my first time hitting bong either
  6. Yeah, I didn't end up on Gilligan's Island... thank the lord lol  :yay:
  7. Yeah it's always a good Idea to give your bong a little bath right when you bring it home especially if you got it From a headshop

    Who Dat!
  8. that is fucked
    and maybe im tripping, but you should buy a red bowl for that bong
    the chousion in the photo looked like the bowl, and it caught my eye right away
  9. #9 Wayniac, Oct 19, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 30, 2023
    I see this is a very old thread, but... I can verify that you DO want to thoroughly clean your new bong before you use it.

    I had a very similar experience yesterday with using a new bong, bought online. Didn't think about washing it before using it. Smoked 1 medium sized bowl of a strain I smoke often. About 15 minutes in I noticed I was getting a weird high. Then after about 30 minutes I started to feel really bad. Lots of hallucinations were coming rapid fire as well.

    While I was feeling worse and worse, I thought maybe there was a chance that some industrial chemical might have been in/on the glass from manufacturing and that I had basically smoked that too. This was a bad trip, man. Today I feel like I have a really strange mini-hangover.

    God only knows what chemical I smoked.

    Wash those new bongs and pipes people!
  10. Cops who tested negative for exposure to fent have thought they were ODing because they were told they could by handling it (debunked myth that most prob still believe). I point that out to illustrate the potential power of placebo. To me it sound like you probably just greened out and got paranoid that you smoked some stuff that got on there.

    But what would get on there realistically? Wouldn't you see it? Smell it? So either it's so minute in quantity or it's colorless and odorless whatever this scary mystery substance is. Sounds like some boogey man shit ngl. If it's a new piece you prob just weren't used to it and it ripped harder than you expected and then remembered you didn't clean it and freaked out. My opinion based on the details.

    All that said, def at least give a new piece a quick iso bath and rinse with some water. Dust and people handling it and whatnot are quite possible.
  11. I appreciate your take on this, but nope, I wasnt just greening out. I've greened out before... many years ago, that was not what I was experiencing. I continued to feel sick for 2 days afterwards, especially my lungs.

    I used the same bong just 2 days ago, after washing it thoroughly, with the same strain and smoked the same amount, and I was fine. So this was a similar experience to what the other 2 people were posting on this thread.

    The bong was purchased online, God knows where it was manufactured, probably China, so I can only guess what kind of chemical residue may have been on it. I'm not in the habit of smelling a new bong before I use it, so how would I have known.

    So again, the point being, wash your new pieces because you never know what might be on it when you buy it.
  12. Yeah you should also wash your spatulas before putting them up your ass.

    Anything new from the store that's used for food or inhalants should be cleaned first.
  13. I don't doubt the symptoms but I simply don't believe there's real evidence to support the cause you think it was. Anecdotal experiences without hard evidence aren't going to convince me and I don't believe they should convince anyone else. Agreed on the end point, wash the piece.

    But if people are going to spread fear about something I think there should be verifiable facts to back it up. One simply can't be an impartial judge of whether or not they experienced a substance induced phenomena or a placebo.

    And my point about odorless and invisible was obviously to narrow down what "substances" it could be, because that's a lot less than ones you would actually notice. Making your theory more confined in it's requirements to be true.

    Occam's razor is applicable here.
  14. Okay, since you seem to really want to keep this thread alive by asserting that I didn't actually ingest a non-marijuana material and that I just smoked too much and felt really bad and started fantasizing about what could have made me get so sick and now I am apparently spreading fear amongst the readers of the Grasscity forum based on these assumptions, here we go.

    Based on Occam's razor, I should be choosing the hypothesis that requires the fewest assumptions. I don't need to assume that I just smoked too much to feel that bad because I smoked the same amount that I always do. So that would then stand to reason that something else most likely made me sick after smoking a medium sized bowl of a strain that I have smoked many times.

    I would then need to question, both while feeling very bad and still being high, and then again the following day when not feeling as bad and not being high, why I would have felt so bad and felt like I was having a bad trip, (and then continued to feel bad afterwards the next two days).

    Enter the Grasscity forums! Assuming that I might have ingested something I shouldn't have while using my new bong, I proceeded to look for posts that described something similar to what I experienced. I came upon this thread from 2014 where the original poster described that he and his smoking buddy experienced something similar to what I had experienced. Later on in the thread another poster described that his girlfriend had a very similar experience. And then a third poster claimed having a similar experience as well. Hmm, I thought, maybe my assumption that there was something on or in the newly purchased bong made in China was correct. Maybe there was some left over manufacturing material residue on it that made me experience something that I never experienced while smoking marijuana before.

    The original poster described how he thoroughly cleaned his bong after having "some insane trip thinking I had some kind of disease", and that after his thorough cleaning of the bong he no longer had such a bad experience. I thought perhaps I should try to replicate this person's experiment, and also thoroughly clean my new bong and try using it again with the same amount of the exact same strain that I smoked previously when I became so sick and tripped badly.

    Lo and behold, I was able to replicate the clever initial poster's process and had the same results as he: no feeling sick like having a bad trip, just nice and high.

    It was at this point that I came to the logical conclusion that there was most likely some sort of material that accidentally made its way onto my bong during the manufacturing or packing process. Either that or they laced it with LSD, but that would seem highly unlikely (remember Occam's razor).

    I then decided to become poster number 4 and add my 2 cents, basically stating that I too had a similar experience. I don't think it was the original poster's intention to "spread fear" about his assumption that there may have been some foreign substance on his new bong that gave him a bad trip, nor was it the intention of posters 2, 3 or 4. In fact, I do believe poster number 1 was just putting the information out there on the forum, wanting his story to be heard, and advocating for clean bongmanship so that others would not experience a similar bad trip, because that is what the forum is for... sharing experiences and information. And so followed posters 2,3 and 4.

    So, it seems that there a several of us that feel we may have accidentally ingested some foreign substance that was never intended to be ingested, accidentally or otherwise. And we have told our story and now also advocate for clean bongmanship, not fearmongering.

    May all of your bongs, pipes, hookahs and spatulas be cleaned before using them, however you decide to use them.

  15. TL/DR

    always clean a new piece


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