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How to stop weed from falling through bowl piece into bong?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by aliahill252, Mar 6, 2017.

  1. I've had my mini bong for around two months and i use it almost everyday, and the only problem I've had with it is that the hole in the bowl piece is so big that weed falls through when i take a hit. I usually put a big nug over the hole, but sometimes I only have some grounded up weed left. I heard you're supposed to let the residue build up around the hole over time, but that hasn't seem to be working... Anyone know how to fix this problem or make a homemade screen?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Try compressing some of the grinded weed up together into a ball... then possibly a little bit of paper like very very small. Even a joint paper would work as long as it's something that u can inhale... but for future reference try to save a bit of nug for instances like this it makes life easier

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  3. they sell glass screens. cheap. You can use that until it rezes up enough. I don't use them in my bongs though. don't like all the ash sitting in there
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  4. I find that if I keep the nugs moist, as in Boveda packs (62% humidity), they easily press into a martini bowl...
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  5. how long does it usually take for the residue to build up enough?
  6. all depends on how often/how much you smoke. I can rez one up in a day or two smoking maybe 2 or 3 grams a day. it'll happen. patience. next thing you know, you'll rather have a nice clean piece, even if some weed falls through :) at least that's what happened to me. I clean all my shit every week if i can
  7. Ever since I bought soverenty that problem went out the window.

    4 hole slides baby, no clog, no pinch, no stink!

    SG makes 18m slides for 50$ I'd pick one up.

    I think other companies are making similar slides often referred to " honey comb" slides.

    Glass screens work but they will help clog your slide quick, unless you clean out the glass screen every few hits.

    Stainless steel screens may work better, but those will restrict airflow once they get clogged, which will happen in a week.

    Try paking your bowl when it's not on your bong so if anything falls through it will fall back into your grinder, if you hold the slide over your grinder..

    I also remember with big one hole slides or even pipes, take your hit real easy. Suck back too hard it will all pull through.
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  8. I am just starting to have this problem with my new bong and I just lay a base of bigger nugs over the hole in the bowl piece and put smaller nugs on top.

    Even if ash falls through on the snap, it at least won't fall through while you're smoking it

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  9. buy a glass screen, use metal (not nylon) screen or aluminum foil. If you think that aluminum foil is bad, then have fun wasting your weed.
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  10. #10 Lucky Luke, Mar 9, 2017
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2017
    Pack it down a bit better , loose packing does make the mix fly through the cone. Start off slow on the inhale, get it burning really good and nearly all the way down before you draw heavily and clear the cone and bong. Watch the cone.

    Ive found that a large hole is way better than a small one that can get blocked easily. Mesh screens are good for hash balls but I dont like them for flowers at all.

    Edit: a kid disagreed with me but doesnt say why?
  11. Personally I prefer brass screens, they are more pliable than steel.

    Just make sure to anneal it properly, in no small part because it burns off whatever residues are left by the fabrication process.

  12. hey hi yes there is a very simple fix for this ,Just find a tiny stone, pebble or rock place on the hole load bud on top.:smoking-bong:
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  13. Like mentioned, get an ice-pinch, or a 3,4,5,6,etc hole screen.

    It's not intuitive but, having mulitple holes actually helps with bud just falling through. A typical single hole slide creates a vortex which equates to more vacuum which causes the bud to pull through. A multi-hole slide creates less of a vacuum affect, bud stays put better.
  14. Pipe screens don't cost much. I usually stop by a gas station and get a pack. They can be cut or bent to fit any bowl. Anywhere that sells pipe tabaco should have some.
  15. One thing about screens, be careful with brass especially fine mesh ones. I don't think they're safe. If you use them long enough they will disintegrate. That means you inhaled the vapors. If anything, use coarse stainless steel, they'll last forever.

    Best thing to use are glass screens they're inert and wont break down over time. I wish I had never used brass screens.
  16. My local head shop sell ceramic stones. They'r pretty sweet and work with oils as well. Most heads shops carry some variety or another.
  17. Glass star places in bowl will keep your water much cleaner from debris hope this helped

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