How can i make a homemade bowl or slider? i don't want to use aluminum foil or anything crappy like that. Something i can use over and over? Any ideas?
Ingredients: Piece of paper, ruler, pencil, about $10 cash alright here is what you do: 1. take a piece of paper, use the ruler to draw a line across the middle so you have a square. 2. throw the piece of paper away, go to your local head shop, and spend $10 on a bowl or a slide you cheap piece of shit.
you could drill a hole in the cap of a bottle and put a socket in it and cut a small hole in the bottom of the bottle and to hit it, you take the cap off fill the socket with your herb of choice. then cover the hole in the bottom with your finger and fill with water. keep it covered and then put the cap with the socket in it on. light it as you let go of the hole in the bottom and it will pull the flame down and light it. as all the water drains take the cap off and clear it.
make sure if u use a socket its not "chrome" coated, that shit's no better than tinfoil. U could try to find a salt shaker cap, but again be careful its not coated in anything. stainless steel is where its at. or u could make one out of some wood (harder woods are probably better). but yeah, if you cut a small piece of wood into a cube and take a 1/2" or so drill bit drill ur bowl out, and if its one of the drill bits thats wide, but it has a little point at the bottom, then thats where ur stem will attach. make sense? u'll need a screen for the bowl tho cuz if the hole going through the bottom is too big ur weed'll fall through...