Hey guys...I decided to make a How-To steamroller guide. steamroller A weed pipe that is made out of a cylinder open on both ends with a bowl on the top-back. The user covers the end with his hand, and sucks on the pipe until it all is filled with dense smoke, and then pulls off his hand to inhale it all in Materials Used: - One Paintball 140rd Pod(tube/steamroller) - Pen Shaft(slide) - Brass Airfitting(bowl) - Rubber Grommet(air tight seal) - Metal Wire(for Screen) - Marijuana Tools Used: - Electric Drill - Hotglue Gun - Knife - Lighter Steps------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First: Grab your paintball pod, drill, glue gun and the materials above... Second: Take the lid off the Pod and take the knife around the edge to make the pod mouth-end not so sharp on your mouth...also, clean the pod with hotwater and soap. Third: Get your glue gun warmed up so that you can glue the bowl to the downpipe/slide. Once ready, put a light layer of glue around the bowl and slide...make sure it's airtight! Fourth: Now you need to get your drill ready as well as pick out a Rubber Grommet that fits pretty snug around the slide. Find a drill bit that fits easily and is about the same size as the slide in width. Fifth: Get your drill and slowly press into the side of the pod. hold the pod steady so it goes no where. then slide the grommet into place around the hole. Sixth(optional): get your wire ready and now we're gonna make that into a screen. Roll it up into a spiral... and then put it into the bowl... Seventh: You're done! Put the bowl into the pod and pack a bowl! So there you have it...
the hole on the side where the slide goes in/out. it's big enough so that clearing isn't a problem haha. I just smoked this thing...fucks you up with huge hits. I wasn't expecting it to be so harsh and huge hitting