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How Often Do You Change Your Bong Water?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by puffaluffagus, Jul 15, 2014.

  1. what the hell l0l. my buddy used to sell bong water to a kid because the kid thought he was allergic to thc and still wanted to get high. makes no damn sense.

  2. Change it every day or every other day. Its really freshness and how you feel about looking at some nasty ass water.

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  3. Yea deffinetly change every sesh. And clean the glass itself every 8th or so. I cant stand goin to somebodys house and they bring out a bong with some old ass water in it. Are u fucking serious??
  4. till its black or clogged cuz i smoke out of it 24/7 lol. I know its gross but theres no way i got the Patience to do it everyday. I would waste so much money on blong cleaner to. If i were to clean it every sesh i would be cleaning it alteast 4 times a day. No fucking way.

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  5. That's why you buy more than 1 bong.
    i got 3 of them so i can let one soak in iso overnight and still stay up all night toking. Seems like they get dirty just as fast tho.
  7. #27 btsmpwidm, Jul 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2014
    I always empty, rinse and store it upside down to dry everyday. My bong water is always fresh.

    Black bong water is FUCKING DISGUSTING. Why would anyone smoke with nasty water??
  8. Cuz some people dont care and just wanna get high. Most people in my area dont clean there bongs till there completely clogged
  9. Every 10 dabs cause it grosses me out when the water is warm
  10. Around last november
  11. That's the way it should be done, then there's reality. :confused_2: & keep it in the refridge. :thumbsup:
  12. Why are you responding to an ancient thread?
  13. cuz I can't see :poop: I guess. Thanks 4 being ever vigilant. :thumbsup:
  14. [​IMG]
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  15. i used to not change it very often but now id say with every sesh
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  16. Small bongs are great for that because you're definitely gonna wanna avoid the splashback of the poo poo puddle water getting on yo lips
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  17. Never, mostly because I don't own or use a bong.
  18. Do you use any glass ? Or do you just use blunt/joints?
  19. Every session.
  20. In College we could always find some dumbass to try drinking bongwater. ick. :ey:

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