Grasscity - Dab Rig Sale - 50% Discount

Collab How much is your glass worth? Current stock.

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by glasscollector, Dec 14, 2009.

  1. I know what you mean about the addiction....don't worry too much, I bought 2 peyote pillars in 1 week....sigh, after buying a mobius matrix disc bubbler in the beginning of april...bout 3Gs in 1 month...bad.

    It really depends though, if you have a collection full of cheaper common pieces it makes it impossible to trade and sell pieces to other glass addicts. If you own quality pieces that are desirable then they can hold value and even appreciate.

    My entire collection is:
    lil sis german roor, diffuser ds, option worked bowl (~250)
    Sheldon Black 29mm joint bubbler, pinhole diffuser, worked bowl (~300)
    Mobius matrix disc bubbler (~420)
    Dave Goldstein 16in frittered perc tube (~350)
    SG hollow foot bent neck peyote pillar (1200) [I had to pay full retail for this one....blech]
    SG OG straight peyote pillar with inv4 splash guard (1200)
    (about 3500 total)

    Heck some people drop a lot more than that on 1 piece, I saw a slyme worked mothership fab egg go for 7K.
  2. It's a ton for me, considering that I almost put myself in debt buying glass, I really couldn't afford it, should have saved it for bills
  3. Hmm I guess I'll update.
    -double worked hollow foot PP.
    -Adam driver colab SG stem line
    -og straight PP inv4 slashgaurd
    -hitman banjo colab torch tube.
    8stacks in just those 4.
    Last year I spent about 12,000 on glass.
    This year so far about 4k. I've been slowly spending less and less. Most I've spent in a month was about 5k.
  4. I can help u with an appraisal. Ive been to every head shop in the madison area. Can we get a better pic. Btw, it looks too cheap for 250. You could get a piece tht functions the same for the same price brand new u just need to look
  5. Thanks man. And this is the only picture that he has. But yeah I've decided to get something else. What is the best head shop in Madison. That's where my brother goes to college so I could get shit from there anytime.
  6. Use to be so much more

    But i got two real pretty slides 80
    A decent slide 30
    Roor white label like 15 in. 200/50
    I traded my sherlock for 150 to my khs an got to roor for 100 more
    One spoon 30 all these should cost more but thays what i payed
  7. I'm not sure how much my Toro Fused 4-Arm King Bubbler would be worth, since I got that in a trade, nor the Mutant Slyme Munny, since Bulletproof Glass sent that along as a free gift, but I'd say I have just north of $3000 worth of glass.
  8. About $3500. Should be around 6 or 7k by years end
  9. 125 - 36 slit inline AC with work
    120 - Vapir no2
    120 - mini beaker
    100 - accessories and a spoon
  10. not enuf my friend not enuf.. haha but u guys got sick pieces but art is priceless really .. it can go for as much as people wan pay for it.. but i got a custom set cost roughly 2k+,mothership,1k, 2 toros, 1.2 kish , evol empire tube 250.. 4.5k plus a new mothership n new marbles so maybe 6-7k?
  11. #191 Sghetti nButter, Oct 13, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 10, 2013
    $300 - 22" German roor straight tube w/ name brand 5 arm ash catcher. $480 - 16" Pulse - Gridded tongue perc to honeycomb tube w/ Phoenix Grav Labs stemless ash catcher. $380 - Dave Goldstein fritted disc Convertible tube.$80 - domeless nail forget what brand$250 - Pulse - Double Showerhead ashcatcher/bubbler.$8 hot hit wand.$10 dabber.$45 random worked slide.(New - Ben Wilson worked slide $60.25)I believe that is it.. HahaTotal = $1,553.00. (+60.25 = $1,613.25) In the process of selling my roor and Dave goldstein. Don't have much use for the roor Anymore.. (& my dome-less nail is grade-2 titanium, so technically isn't part of my glass collection, but I consider it to be hahah)Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  12. Ahaha a bit! Over 2,500. I have 18 bongs around the house.

    My Molino bong with all its extra parts is worth about $700 by itself.

    Jet Waterpipe with added filters $400

    Black Leaf 11mm with Carbon filter $180

    ROOR 55" not sure how much they are going for nowdays.

    Ahaha then theres my cyclones and more aha

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    A triple and a double bowl in your collection?? I have just the piece for you.... It's a stemless, 19 inch, custom invis. ash catcher with worked percs. It's also tubeless. I think you're just person to appreciate it. Some don't like hitting it because it's invisible. Except for when you turn off the lights, then it's glow in the dark! ;)
    PM me haha....
  14. GlassGods Double Dome Perc Bong($180)
    SSFG Travel Beakerw/ showerhead downstem($75)
    Da Buddha ($150)
    Arizer Solo ($150)

    Right Around $600 all together.


  15. I currently have
    (60) 2 Glass Spoons
    (70) 1 Vortex Bong W/Ice Catcher
    (300) Cheech Triple HoneyComb W/splash guard
    (160) Blaze Bong W/6arm perc
    (110) FBG Bubbler 
    (40) No name glass Bubbler
    (200) In Smoking accessories(Sliders and ash catchers)

    Had another small bong, but my wife accidentally dropped it

    I'd say I have around 1k in glass product, which is good enough for me. 
  16. I'm looking at about 4k now, bought another tube, and a crap ton of smaller things, 10 or so slides, worked adapters, swings, domes. Lol I don't even dab but maybe two weeks out of the year and I'm still buying dishes and dabbler because they are so well made and look amazing.
  17. Over 12k
    All the chongs are new except one of the luscious model.

    1 12" shelby chong
    2 18" luscious chong
    1 18" goldie chong
    1 18" editsu chong
    1 15" tijuana chong
    1 18"big web chong
    1 18" aquaman chong
    1 18" cherry chong
    1 30" nectar chong
    1 12" big lynch chong
    1 18" peach chong
    1 18" bamboo chong

    All the peter mullers are new
    2 peter muller voodoos (first doll ever)
    1 peter muller x ryno
    1 peter muller bear
    1 peter muller goat

    1 silika rig
    1 silika tube
    1 van tran rig

    Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  18. Its actually closer to 20k. I'm also adding an elbo dino and a maybe a new sov.

    Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  19. Pics please!!!!

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  20. Sent from my SGH-T999 using Grasscity Forum mobile app


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