how do you fire your employee?

Discussion in 'General' started by letsmokeasweet, Apr 9, 2021.

  1. i have to get rid of one of my helpers. usually i just don’t talk to them
    anymore, but, i feel i at least should give the guy the respect of knowing why i don’t want to work with him anymore.
    should i even bother? i rather spend
    my time and energy on something positive

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  2. Tell him why! If you don't tell him, he will never fix the problem that made him an "undesirable" employee! This may not be a positive for you, but it can be for him!

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  3. Have you ever even talked to him about whatever the problem is so that he can correct it? I feel that would be the respectful thing to do. Not everyone is cut out to manage employees...
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  4. Fired many . Man up . It sucks worse for them than you.
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  5. I think being fired without any kinds of warnings, re-training/housekeeping, or corrective actions would indicate something of a failure on your part if you're in that position of authority, and a failure to kind of work towards a positive outcome.
    You've clearly thought about it, something has bothered you or some, my perspective would be that this is information that would be more valuable (to both of you) to share and discuss rather than not.
    You have indicated they are worthy of your respect to some measure - are you giving it to them in any more than this concept where you say they are worthy of it?
    It would be helpful to you, by way of developing your approach to things like this in the future...and it's also valuable to be able to think through and voice your concerns with specificity - because often if that's done, you might not need to proceed to the firing stage if someone's respectful and receptive to what you're saying and will work with you and the feedback to improve their performance and maybe even go from ?whatever? to something of a valuable asset.
    From their perspective, if they're unaware of the situation in the first place and you straight out fire them...even if you kind of state reason/s, they're going to be thinking, or saying, why didn't you let me know this?
    I'd suggest that this might end with them in a bit of a confused place, or could well have some resentment towards you and the situation.
    So, my take is...the easier thing to do, the decent thing to do is
    1 - Bring things up, try some course correction.
    2 - Follow up. Proceed to warning/s as necessary
    3 - Then fire them if there's no recourse/improvement...revisit the reason/s...give them some advice on the kinds of things to avoid in future. At least then it doesn't just seem like you're going in hot.
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  6. I’m not in the position where I get to make that call, but I’ve had to have the conversation before.

    As awkward as it is for you, it’s worse for them. It sounds like you respect the guy though, so be straight up. “It’s not working out,” “the dynamic isn’t the right fit,” “we’re moving in a different direction.”

    Unless he’s been a continual fuck up. Then just tell a cunt to piss off.
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  7. Honesty is your best bet. If it has to do with his performance he probably is already suspecting something. If he's not then that may be on you. Make sure you're in the right for firing him, a lot of people will take whatever legal action they can against you... it's a lot harder to get rid of an employee than it is to just not bring them on in the first place
  8. #8 Vee, Apr 10, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2021
    You fail to mention why you fucked this jerk off.
    when I hire peeps I let them know from the outside..that they are on 30 days probation 60 days if I re hire them
    the max I expect the peeps to work for me is 3-6 months so I pay them well
    (they are currently learning to work a trimming trommel fun too)
    I make it very clear failure to show for work or talking about work outta hours is a big no-no
    I also make a point of hiring preferable middle age ladies or the very old who work well

    these are my very basic rules and have very few problems,

    hiring people from under 25yo in asking for pain

    good luck
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Firing someone without reason would be a negative thing, so use your “time and energy on something positive” by letting the person know why you’re parting ways and how they can improve in the future, and thank them for the help they did provide.
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  10. You don't "allow" them to discuss work outside of work hours? I wouldn't work for anyone that feels they can control the private lives of employees. Shame on you bud.
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  11. Not to mention drug testing? For a 3-6 month job? Piss of with that shit. Your on a weed forum talking about drug testing your employees? wtf.
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  12. The ageism, yikers.

    I’ve been working since I was 15, any place I’ve ever worked at when it’s time for me to advance my position with another employer they beg me to stay. I am now 26 and in a very good position. You can not judge someone’s work ethic based on their age. I’ve worked with and managed people twice my age and they have been lazy with no work ethic or care for their job and vice Versa.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  13. Neither would I ever consider employing a female of 26 older or younger
    last time I did that she kept having time off with menstruel issues
    then returned eventually to be married...more time off, now kids ...more time off
    why should anyone employ such a beast?
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  14. Hahahahaha, I see you brother.
  15. I feel this is the best way to go.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I never ever understood why people act like this. An employee and how they perform is a reflection on the manager / owners ability to choose an employee. The pool of people you pull from is a reflection of your ability to communicate with others.

    To put it plainly, only a donkey has these sorts of "shit employee" problems. If you're an asshole you get treated like one. If you give zero fucks about people then they give zero fucks about you. Crying about someone choosing life over your shitty job is fucking funny. It's as if you're butt hurt over it all lol!!! Talk about fuckin stoooopid.

    I do have to say the blatant bigoted misogynistic and quite illegal idiocy about a person's sex or age somehow being the mitigating factor on your choice of employees borders on a lawsuit. I find it hard to believe you manage anyone. Fuckin neckbeards lol.
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  17. "You suck at your fucking job!!! You're fired, bitch!!!"
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  18. It kinda sounds you suck at this man. Just tell em "aye you gotta go man it's not working you're not a good fit" or maybe consider talking to them about the issue in the 1st place. I'm not really sure what's hard about this. I could manage people if I wanted but, choose not to. If I did I'd be the coolest fuckin boss. I don't drug test man. Nor do I care about your age or gender. As you're at least 18. :laughing:
  19. thank you everyone for your response and insite. basically he dosnt show up when he is supposed to and he is always complaining about the work. it’s hard. no shit, i do it all day, every day. that’s why i hire helpers.
    keep the comments coming
  20. he’s older and dosnt really listen
    to well. i hire these people to make my job easier. first and foremost. if i am stressing about someone, then that’s not
    making my job easier. so he’s gona be gone and i won’t stress anymore.

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