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Horizontal Inline/Tree Perc Home Made

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by User Name:, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. #1 User Name:, Feb 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 25, 2010
    Yeah, got bored last night so I figured I'd throw something together.

    It's five inches wide and right around twenty-two inches tall with a horizontal inline that goes right up to a six arm tree perc.

    I used two bic mechanical pencils, one plastic bottle cap, and an Ace tree service pen for the perc. Yeah, I did intend to use the tree service pen for the tree perc. :]

    The tube was a fish tank siphon that I cut up. The blue valve is a one way so I can't blow backwards through it. The hose in the inline is already black as fuck from all the smoking we did out of it last night.

    The caps used for plugging the tube were from Vitamin waters, the stand was three old burnt dvds slapped together, and obviously the bonding medium was duck tape.

    For a home made piece made from %97 plastic it works pretty fucking well. The only bad thing about it is it has a fair amount of drag and it looks like shit.

    Tell me what you think!

  2. thats crazy as hell
  3. Thanks dude. :)
  4. i was never that creative, when i had homemades. i was thinking about makign a homemade but id need a glue gun and i dont have one readily available.
  5. mikshots man!!!:D:smoking:
  6. Honestly it just takes a little bit of mental picturing. I played with a lot of legos when I was younger lol.
  7. lol thats pretty nice man for homemade
  8. try putting less water in it and maybe you'll get less drag. i mean the bonds are made of duct tape so it obviously can't be perfect, but i think with less water you could improve your drag issue a little bit. Cool Homemade! :cool:

    Edit: errrr that the tree perk that the water is right above? cant really tell how close it is
  9. I've tried it with a bunch of different levels. I think the pin tube I used for the perc trunk is just to constricted. But yeah, it came together in a couple hours so it's perfect by any means.

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