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Hookah q&a

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by puffcreed, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. Given that I have read the topics on hookah and most of people advice a vaporiser I am trying instead to find a way to mix shiazo stones or glycerin stones with weed to find the proper way
    I recently bought an oduman n2 travel just for this use
    By now I have mixed shiazo and glycerin stones,I’m not interested in shisha
    Results are different I think mainly because I have just started
    Weed used quality 7/8 out of 10
    Get high with not a particular taste so perfect for mixing
    I use cocoa carbon that burn at 250*
    2 or 3 cubes depends on the burner I use

    Thc vaporise at 170* so 2 cubes are enough
    0.3/4 weed mixed with glycerin stones by now is the best way to smoke because it’s easy to prepare and for 2 people is enough to be medium high
    Shiazo stones are bit different,I bought natural stones with no flavour and no molasses,I bought natural honey molasses on eBay,you just need to mix weed,stones and molasses together for half an hour
    I ended up burning some stones because of low molasses,taste was little good I think mainly because in this set nothing had a particular taste,maybe with a more tasty weed results should be better
    I bought also a cherry molasses for the shiazo and maybe with that will be much better

    A spliff is a spliff but I think you can smoke weed with no problems in a hookah
    You just need to find your perfect set

    I hope these informations will be helpful for some people

    I have another hookah only for smoking glycerin stones,this is for experiments
    Little and easy to clean

  2. Why don't you just buy a bong with a hose attachment dude lol, hookahs constantly burn because of the stones/coals so you'd waste weed in the process :confused_2:
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. I have a bamboo bong,a bubbler,dubbers....
    The lack of hookah was big...
    I always wanted a hookah

    I know it constantly burn and this is the reason it is a good way of smoking,but also bad because you use more
    But the high is different
    A bong hits you strong for a little amount of time with a little amount of weed
    A spliff obviously is the best way
    But a spliff lasts few time...and with the same amount of weed you can have a persistent high with the hookah
    It is all about the high you want
    • Funny Funny x 1

  4. Spliffs don't get you as high as a bong rip would imo.. if you was to smoke a gram in a J & a gram in a bong the bong would get you way higher :laughing:
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  5. Aren't Hookahs better suited for tobacco use anyway? Unless you are having multiple people smoking and constantly taking turns hitting from it, using a Hookah would indeed be a waste of weed.
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  6. Hash or opium .
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  7. Smoked block hash in Germany back in the 70s from a hookah many times, Usually 4-8 people in the room.
    You just need a bigger supply of weed for your Hookah
    More like.

    • Winner Winner x 4
  8. I found that weed mixed with glycerin the best way without using too much
    All depends on how many glycerin stones you put in the burner
    After 40min smoking I had a lot of the 0.3mixed weed still wet and ready for another session

    I think that putting only weed in the burner is the worst way

    I don’t like vaping but smoking,but glycerin stones are like vaping..but the taste is much better....I really don’t like liquids for box mods

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