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Homemade wooden pipe

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by InsertUserHere, Jun 22, 2010.

  1. So I got an old chair leg from my basement - sawed off a little end of it, hollowed it out, and viola - the bowl. :)

    I didn't really have a stem for it so i just used a pen shaft...
    Any good ideas for the homemade's stem?
    I don't have many power tools and such, so don't suggest a high maintenance job - I only used my pocket knife for everything made here.

    Hits quite nicely, but how should I clean it and the stem?

    Also, length of the stem is something I'm experimenting, trying to give the smoke more time to cool, and it's kinda tougue-burning right now.

    Lastly, why have a carb on a pipe? there's almost no place where the smoke could build up, so i don't see a use for it on this.

    That's all, Happy toking!
  2. Pics or it didnt happen.
  3. The reason why its burning is because its made out of wood so you burning wood while smoking...I made a wood pipe once but it was so painfull it was hard to hit not worth my time...
  4. :wave:You need to break in a wooden pipe gently. Here is a nice link. The main article will give you ideas for the stem. The right side mini-articles shows how to season and break in a wooden pipe.

    Seasoning your pipe

    Happy token. :smoking:

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