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Homemade Wooden Pipe.

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by HashBrown, May 5, 2009.

  1. I made this pipe a while ago out of an old drumstick, i drilled it hollow shaped it, sanded the hell out of it and used a wrench peice as a bowl. the bowl is removable and always clicks back into place, and it suprisingly airtight.

    Some pics:




    My hands were dirty because i picked up my shitty homemade vape and got sut on my hands from it, lol.

    Anyway, tell me what you guys thing.
  2. Thats pretty legit man, good homemade!
  3. thats very cool, looks clean. i'd be proud to make it ;)
  4. simple but very well done. bonus points for being home made
  5. Nice that looks like a fun thing to do when stoney
  6. Good thing to do when you break drumsticks, just turn them into pipes.
  7. To hollow it out i simply got a drill and drilled a hole straight down it, then i drilled another hole on the side of the pipe for the bowl.
  8. Pretty solid. Great homemade +reputation.
  9. Nice. I like it alot. Even cooler since you made it yourself.
  10. Nice man, great effort...
    Ima make me one of them
  11. Your sig should be "In Soviet Russia, the Brownies bake you."

    And on a side note, well-made pipe.
  12. Nice kinda looks like mine, cept smaller.

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