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Homemade + Video

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by BlazzinBlake, Sep 10, 2010.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - Best homemade water bong rip[/ame]

    not weed , i didnt have none
  2. i bet that tasted nasty
  3. nice. prob tasted like ass though
  4. Get some weed....
  5. pshhh barely whitewalled that.
    i've made some bunk homemade pieces that ripped harder haha.
    just kidding, i'm being a douche for no reason.

    rip that with green, and use a different (narrower taller) bottle and you're good to go.
  6. skimped!! get a fatter bowl going so it can burn more budz. Your prob better off with a gravity or waterfall bong or go to your local headshop and buy a piece assuming your over the age of 18........................
  7. #7 Ze cross jointa, Sep 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2010
    After seeing that one dudes 55 slit inline with the 32 slit dome perc home made i cannot be impressed. sorry dude.

    Edit: wait.. no weed? :confused: why videotape yourself taking a rip of tobacco (i think) with a water bottle? and then post it :confused:

    Double Edit: Am I being an asshole? Sorry.
  8. lol, i love making bongs that blow people away like the one described ^.
    im gonna make a 200 hole inline tomorrow. i might borrow buddys idea for the dome perc though. im more partial to trees.:D
  9. look, get a plastic cup, put your weed in it, like a bowls worth, get scissors, and just cut the weed up, works = to a grinder, doesn't collect anything and can only get so fine grained but, that will tell you if you want a grinder or not, in my opinion $45 bucks on a grinder is only necessary if you smoke like an eighth a day, lucky for me my roommates have one though so...

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