I was wondering how safe a homemade vaporizer is if its made out of a light bulb. Also wondering where to buy a downstem, ive been using sockets for awhile but im looking for an upgrade, does grasscity sell them?
Lightbulb vaporizers aren't the safest things out there. I actually made one, but after hitting out of it, I could definitely taste some strange shit that can not be good for you. And this is even after I meticulously cleaned it. I personally wouldn't use one. As far as the downstem, I'm pretty sure grasscity doesn't sell 'em. I'm actually looking to buy on too. I drilled a hole into this sick glass liquor bottle. Trying to make a homemade bong. I'll post some pics once it's finished. Good luck bro
wow guys really? heres the link to the downstems and such on GC Bongs & Waterpipes - Smoking Pipes - English - Grasscity.com also its not safe
Thanks for the downstep link. and yeah i have a few sick looking liquor bottles and i need stems for them, might look into just buying one from grasscity. The light bulb seemed sketchy to me to begin with so im glad i asked first. Def post some pick of your homemade when your done
On EDIT they have some rubber grommits, and metal downpipes, along with some bowls. the glass on glass might not work very well without a joint. Hope this helps! Grommit Down Pipes Bowls