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homemade toking tools

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by shitty smitty, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. ok sorry if this has already been made. but post a pic(s) of the homemade stuff you made. heres a few of mine next to my xbox to scale it.
    alright so there is a pen tube , and a few sockets. the tape was to keep the socket on. then there was more tape under that to keep the yellow rubber band from sliding up. if it would slide up it would make it too close to my face and it would burn me if i lit it like that. then there are more sockets , and an un-taped tube. the big black socket is only for when i got alot of weed lol.
    post some pics = D! :hello: :bongin:
  2. ok here they are.

    Attached Files:

  3. a pic of my homemade 2 chamber jar bubbler lol my glass spoon in it too
    Promote Peace,

    Attached Files:

  4. good job , but if i was you i would put a socket on it instead of tin foil. foil = hell for your lungs. but dude thats a nice freakin dual chambered bong = D
  5. looks cool!

    you did put a little too much water though

  6. [​IMG]



    I love that last picture. Was testing my photography abilities :hello:
  7. [​IMG]

    my homemade with a time bomb/ring of fire

    full SS diffused downstem, SS slider on huge socket (party bowl) with fine gold screen, rubber gasket seal.... bringing quality to homemades

    check out my tumblr for more pieces :D :D

  8. yeah nice pics = D i wish i had the one in top. its so little and easy to hide
    = D

  9. Thanks man, it was a coke bottle they sold during Christmas!
  10. I don't have a picture of the actual piece but this is the bottle it was made out of.

    About 12 inches tall.

    Made exactly how you would think lol. I used a steel cylinder for a downstem and sized it to fit a glass slide I had.

  11. oh yeah i remember those haha sweet dude! i wish i wouldve saved one and made a bong out of it haha.
  12. heres another i made.

    Attached Files:

  13. Pretty sweet. Id suggest filling the 2nd chamber with just ice. I have a single mason jar that uses only ice and it rips harder than my legit glass pieces.:)

  14. its a pen , a socket , and a rubber piece from a pair of headphones. the rubber peice keeps it on better. the one bad thing about it is that you cant hit too hard or ashes will come flying down your throat. any tips on how to stop that?

  15. Hm,
    I would find a little pebble, or just cut a pipe screen so it will fit in the socket.

  16. take a piece of steal wool in there its like the stuff in brillo pads but without the soap stuff:eek:

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