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Homemade showerhead to perc

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Got Homemade, Jul 31, 2011.

  1. lol cigarette smoker. okay then bro carry on. :D
  2. ..................really..........

    /got homemade
  3. oh yes really
  4. [​IMG] (I've been waiting so long to use this) :D
  5. yeah and /thread
  6. Brix have been shat. it hurts, but i need to know how.
  7. everyone needs to chill out some. yall sound like high school kids. OP has a good point in that this is a fun thing to make/smoke out of. if you dont like it then leave the thread. scientists also say ill get cancer from eating my eggs each morning and im pretty sure that im going to die one day so it really doesnt matter.
  8. #68 Verdurous, Aug 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Inhaling noxious chemicals from plastic is incomparable to eating eggs in the morning. :rolleyes: You sound like a high school kid for trying. :D See I can play too. Try to play nicer though.... insults aren't tolerated here.
  9. Seriously....if you don't like the thread leave....your side of price and health problems have been posted

    More pics op....I'm reading
  10. #70 Verdurous, Aug 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I never said I don't like the thread. Other people are playing upkeep on that assumption. :rolleyes: Don't play along cause that's not even close to my point.

    Oh and op said he was done posting in case you missed that. :(
  11. sick for plastic
  12. should of made it a showercap, would kill some drag.
    [ame=]Mgw Full size showerhead first milks, and closeups - YouTube[/ame]
  13. I actually like his work, creative and fun to do something hands on. I'm definitely going to try to make some of these things from the tutorials you posted.

    Furthermore, I just want to say that once smoke hits water, its rapidly being cooled to a safe temperature. People smoke out of plastic all the time, just take a look on youtube and look at all the waterfall bongs/gravity bongs made of plastic bottles. The one thing I do like about his setups are that his actual stems to the point of water contact are made of stainless steel, which doesn't release fumes when heated ( look in your kitchen, I guarantee many of your pots and pans are stainless steal). Then once it hits the water, should be cooled enough to smoke. If the actual stem/bowl area was plastic, then I'd be much more apprehensive of these pieces. Just my 2 cents.

    To the OP, Keep posting man.
  14. That's the coolest homemade bong ive ever seen!! + rep! :smoke:
  15. That's some sick shit.
  16. little bump for the end of the year for everybody with positive responses... gonna start a new thread in a few days of what ive been making... working on a peyote pillar atm.

    my stemline 6 arm squidline

    and what i just hit... a shower-head ice catch with ash catcher

    happy new years
  17. Aaaaaahhhhh my eyes!!!!!!

    They burn!!!!!!!
  18. one of the best homemade percs I have ever seen, love it!!!

  19. That would be the plastic fumes. lol

    I actually like this one, though:

    There's enough metal for the heat to diffuse to and not heat up the plastic enough. That's pretty much how I make my homemade bongs, with the metal stem, etc.
  20. props, but would never smoke out of a metal bowl and plastic bong

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