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Homemade Pipe

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Jacobii13, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. What do you guys think?
    It's made of metal. Pipe from metal pen, so open at both ends - use as carb. bowl is a metal pen cap and I've stuck a metal screen in there from a ipod heaphone. Bowl is attached to pipe with bluetak and tape but ive used permanent parker to colour that black.

    The photo doesn't really do it

    Attached Files:

  2. Looks good man! Glad to see some people with craftyness like you! How does it smoke?
  3. Just had a hit actually, pretty damn good :smoke:
  4. why do people post shitty home made pipes on grasscity

    if your gonna post a home made make a something creative not a standard pos home made

    sorry op I don't mean to be a dick but come on
  5. i hope thats brass, son
  6. Whats wrong if it isnt brass?
    Is it bad for you?

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