ok so, all i have is a couple bongs and theyre great and all but they can be such hassles at times, i want to make me a long lasting pipe. the problem seems to be my creativity lol. but i was wondering does anyone have some ideas i could use? i dont like using foil, i dont even have any fruit in this place so the whole fruit pipe is out. and what would you recomend for screens? i cant pull the ones off my sink or i woulda done that already. plus sockets are at about a zero so..yeah, i have few rescouces. or so it would seem. but anyway got any ideas i could possibly use? and if i end up makin one i swear i'll name it after you if its your idea
take a dowl rod size of like a broom handle, or you can use a brrom handle even, cut a piece like 2 - 3 inches long... drill a pretty small hole all the way through, not to small but like on any other pipe, then carve out or drill out one end bigger for the bowl... i had the tightest wooden bowl ever but i lost it... it hit like a mother fucker too! lol but it dont take as long as it sounds... pretty easy... ohh yeah1 make sure all the saw dust is blown out - compressed air or u can blow it out with those cans of air for keyboards - doesnt taste to great in your motuh when your tyin to smoke...