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homemade non toxic pipe

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by SmokinDryTea, Dec 24, 2011.

  1. well here it is

    Attached Files:

  2. What is that made out of?
  3. earth clay not sculpy this clay is natural and comes from the ground

  4. no tht shit is toxic as fuck
  5. Ha nevermind then xD
  6. yup but its all natural and is like terra cotta
  7. [quote name='"SmokinDryTea"']yup but its all natural and is like terra cotta[/quote]

    I bet that coloring isn't natural.
  8. nah it is its like mud but really strong when dry
  9. anyone like it?
  10. very nice bro. its always fun to let out your creative side in a hobby, im sure you had a great time making it and will have plenty of great times smoking it. +rep. :smoking:
  11. thanks lol im high on it right now
  12. can i get suggestions on what to do for my next one

  13. High on your pipe? You suure the coloring in it isn't toxic? :D
  14. yes im sure i made it a couple of weeks ago when i wasnt blazed but really can i get sum suggestions
  15. [quote name='"SmokinDryTea"']can i get suggestions on what to do for my next one[/quote]

    Bubbler or chillum!

  16. i choose chillum in fact ill make it right now!
  17. Does it taste like dirt?? lol if not that's what's up lol
  18. nahh you only taste weed
  19. can i get some thoughts on it

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