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homemade metal pipe

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Darkshade, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. i have some things that i can make into a sick metal pipe bowl but the only problem is that when i bring the metal to a flame some black smoke comes out and the metal turns black but it rubs off, is this safe? I didnt think so but i heard in the pen homemade pipe thread that it is.
  2. i have a homemade metal pipe made from a spare part from my drum set and it did that when i first started using it but went away quickly. It shouldnt be to bad for you though.
  3. ok, just making sure, i dont exactly know what metal its made out of either, and its colored purple

  4. What part? The best I did was using my whole cymbal stand haha
  5. Wow, please don't use that. Why even risk it? Black smoke is never good for you.
  6. #6 papasmurf64, Jul 23, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 23, 2009
    its the part on the high hat that you loosen so you can move the upper high hat closer or further away from the bottom one, i can send you a pic if you want.

    Edit: The symbal stand is an awesome idea.

    well if you still want to use it you should just McGiver it and tape a socket over the hole and then your safe.
  7. hmm black smoke comes off it when you put a flame on it... I wonder if that is bad for you........ YA NO SHIT dude its probably some type of copper or something Burn a penny and the same thing will happen. Just remember that black smoke will be going into your lungs if you dont mind that then go for it i guess.
  8. An easy way to make metal safer to smoke from is go find a friend, or go to the hardware store and buy a small propane torch.

    Hold your peice with a pair of pliers, and heat it with the torch.

    The torch burns hotter than a BIC lighter, or matches will, and burns out impurities and coatings.

    I had to do it to the brass bowl on one of my homemades, and now, no more fumes.. just sweet ganj.:hello:
  9. Are you Fo real? I think metal is made out of uh.........metal (ore to be exact) but im no blacksmith, dont smoke out of that shit, metal from factories come with a silicone/oil based coating for corrosion, but you can if you want to be inhaling sulfur
  10. Post pics

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