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Homemade DIY Bong

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by GreenBrown, Mar 14, 2010.

  1. #1 GreenBrown, Mar 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 14, 2010
    I just made a bong out of a large plastic Pepsi bottle! :hello:
    One hole through the middle of the hole of the P of the label on both sides.
    This was done by heating up small screwdrivers so they would melt and pierce the holes.
    Then I had two different diameter straws, put one inside the other and moved it quickly over a candlelight for hating and make the straws bend in a banana shape, cut and heated the long end.
    Then pushed the now cut long end inside so it reaches past the diameter of the bottle, and bended the movable part of the straw upwards.
    Then I cleaned the metal container of two candle-tea-lights.
    Pushed one hole up through middle of one of them to have the straw attached.
    Pushed many small holes with a small screwdriver on the other one.
    Pushed one on the straw, one inside the other one, but made sure the straw isn't touching too far into the other one, so that it's not touching the hot metal.
    Fill bottle with cold water.
    Put weed in, hold straw bending it up with middle finger while holding for the bigger hole on the other side P of the bottle, release the thumb when you have enough smoke inside bottle, and get the rest of the smoke. Repeat and repeat :)
    This was my own invention while I was kinda high after vaporizing from one of my lightbulbs, smoked from my Pepsi bottle, got real high, write here immediately. I like how the hole is in the P's nobody will notice it's there :D
    By the way, I'm not promoting for Pepsi, you can use any bottle. I took a picture of it, never looked if anyone else has invented this before me, but I guess since it's so easy, that all of you have done this before me.
  2. Wait, so the bowl is made out of those metal candle containers?
  3. thanks...this looks like death and its terribly made, could of used a pen for a downstem and socket for a bowl and would be 100x better.
  4. #4 GreenBrown, Mar 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2010
    What do you mean by "looks like death"?
    It works fine, why should I use a socket?:confused:

    I took your advice.
    I found a see-through pen that I could use, and figured out that it was easier to blow air through it than the straw.
    I heated up a 10mm socket and melted it onto the tip of the pen, now it fits so that I can easily just pull it off in addition to letting go of the other hole for airflow.
    I also added a gum like sustance (used for sticking pictures to wall) to seal perfectly so no air goes where it's not supposed to.
    I cut a small piece of metal from the candlelight cup, and made small holes on it to use inside the socket as a grid to make sure that smokable stays in there.
    I pushed the pen all the way in, so it stays in a upwards position.
    I pushed a heated small screwdriver through the pen 3 places making it have 7 holes for bubbles.
    Tested it with air, and it is not making as much noise as it used to, very happy with the result!
    I agree, 100% better
    Thank you!
    You can see the grid made of tea-candle metal inside the socked.
    You can see one of several holes on the pen, they makes a quiet mist of bubbles :)
  5. #5 GreenBrown, Mar 15, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2010
    Yes... :confused:
    Not any more, but it worked fine, the one that was inside the other one looks like the top of a salt saker or spice continer. The one on the bottom had a hole for the straw, the punched through hole had metal pointing in out the top, just bended that onto the straw, and the bottom worked like an ash collector.
  6. there ya go:) now its a ballin homemade haha
  7. dont use a pen and asocket!! the socket will heat up and cause the pen to melt giving you permanent nerve damage!

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