ya so i used to work for futureshop / connectpro (canadas version of geek squad) and seeing as my job was to burn discs in the computer tech room i noticed there were a ton of these cd spools like this: http://www.landsharkcd.com/images/telex_cd.jpg being thrown away every day... i then got the idea to make one into (take a guess!) a BONG! What I ended up with is in the attached images below I only have one tube welded to the lid, but i imagine i could add another 3 hoses easily... neways it hits rly well too... sadly though, i lost the metal bowl i was using... The bowl originally came with a metal stem that i got from the micro hookah u can see in some of the pictures (the little bottle thing). And untill i find the stem and bowl both of these r useless to me...
that sucks...anyway if ya had to you should try to make something outta glass, tastes way better..like a snapple bottle or something.