Just buy a bub at a local headshop... Im sure you could find one reasonably priced. But if you are going to make something at home, avoid tin foil, keep the heat away from the plastic, and try to use a glass slide... Honestly i dont have much experience, and i would just buy one though...
[quote name='"crackiswhack"']Can't really see good in the pic, like what do you mean ?[/quote] It's a mason jar, with a highlighter stem going straight down the bottom. Then there's 2 bic pen pieces going through the bottom of the stem, with holes on top of them. Then I have some clear tubing on the lid next to where the stem comes up. You pull from the tubing. It's all glued in and airtight, hits pretty damn good for a homemade.
Drill 2 holes that you can fit a good slide (from a headshop) and a straw in and make sure it's airtight, just drill the holes into the cap and put the slide in and make sure it's submerged and put a straw in the other hole and make sure it's above the water
I got a sobe bottle, cut it so the rounder bigger part was closer to the bottom, taped it air tight, and put the bowl and downsteam (zebra pens or bic pen and socket) and a carb, only like 6 or 7 inches tall and works great
Here's one I made from just a few household items including a relatively small pill bottle, a brass pen, a plastic pen, and the little rubber grip thingies that come on them to make the thing airtight. The bowl is a small brass piece that I found in a collection of random metal pieces, sorry I dont have a close up pic, but you can probably find one in a hardware store. I havent had the chance to use it yet, but I have tested that it is airtight and it bubbles just like a real bubbler, but if you hit it too fast water will come up and get in your mouth. I want to experiment with bigger containers and maybe make one out of a glass jar.