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homemade Bubbbbbler

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by lightcrawler, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Bye,

    im new to the forums, been smoking awhile and making homemade items since b4 i started tokin.
    Im about to show you my new toy i made out of two trees and some clay. Oh yeah a screen to. ill describe how i made it and some features it has.

    First of all the second tree i found is VERY rare. if you look at the picture its the bigger tree it has two big holes in it and it was hollow when i found it. yes, it was alive when i found it. the first hole is where the second tree goes in on the top. the second hole is covered by clay to seal it so you can smoke out of it. it had a leak through it with a tiny crack. i simply jammed a bunch of clay in it to stop the leak and it worked.

    this is how i made it.
    i found the two trees were compatible with eachother, so i began to bore out the second one that was full of tree resin (very hard to do, i accually put a screwdriver through the back of the piece... Patched it up with clay :smoking:). after all of that was over i drilled some holes in it for the carb and mouth piece. that piece was done. the first tree i drilled a hole in the middle then i drilled diagnaly to meet up with the first hole and made the bowl at that time to.

    i gutted out a electric pencil and stuck it int he perfect sized hole i drilled in the first tree (its really tight in there but easy to change if i had to). i was done with the wood i just put a ton of clay on, made a blazed jamaican with a bowl in his mouth.

    Oh yeah, the nose is ply-able so whoever is holding the bowl when its kicked can make a new nose for it.

    It doesnt weigh to much
    smokes great
    clay makes a tight seal so your not sucking in air
    i thoroughly cleaned the inside out so its very clean water.
    you can blow in and water doesn't spew out the bowl (as long as your finger is off of the carb)
    has a nice hardwood taste to the weed when your trying to get the last bit (accually not bad)
    easy to change water the piece comes out easily and goes back easily then you push the clay around it to make a tight seal after a few times of removing it.
    theres more but i cant think of any more right now :smoking:
    no stand (im going to try to build one tho.).
    cant think of anymore

    Heres the pics ill add whatever i missed, any questions please ask.

    Attached Files:

  2. What it looks like with and without piece

    Attached Files:

  3. the piece with a pic of the bowl.

    Attached Files:

  4. here you can see where the carb is, and you can see the crack that used to leak water but i fixed.

    Attached Files:

  5. Dude that is soooo awesome :) i'm so fucking tripping to it!
  6. haha thanks man i thought the clay would have a cool effect

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