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Homemade Bowl,

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by N00735062, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. this is one of the bowls i made, i was looking for some feedback.. what do u guys think

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  2. What the fuck am I looking at.
  3. How do I bowl?
  4. Can we see a video of you smoking it cause I honestly dont know what Im looking at
  5. video please. im very confused...
  6. I have no idea how you would use this
  7. haha, only bowl i've seen that needs to come with instructions, is there a password or pattern or some shit?
  8. video up shortly. that right there is a bowl. the red dot thing is a big cooling marble with the actual bowl parts shaped around it. (i smoked out of it so its black... i didnt clean it yet) it has a carb on the right side, and is made out of wood AND porcelain. It has 3 separate chambers and hits like a saint. I make them completely custom and was thinking about selling some.
  9. oh the bowl is like a trench thats cool

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