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Homemade Bongs/Pipes

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by comcasticman, Dec 2, 2010.

  1. A bubbler and a pipe we made. Just wanted to know what other tokers thought. Does anyone know how to make a bubbler less harsh btw?

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  2. #2 P40, Dec 2, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2010
    Whoah.... that things hella space age bro, hows it hit? :smoke:

  3. [​IMG]
    I made this my freshman year in highschool, and it ripped pretty fucking hard. Its a glas Voss water bottle with a metal down stem/slide, and I used JB-Weld to seal it since it has a very high tolerance to heat. I remember the day this broke me and my friend almost cried.
  4. hits so strong but its also really harsh. Anyone know how to make a bong less harsh hitting?
  5. you didnt seriously fucking kill a telescope to make that bullshit did you?
  6. nah found it broken in a dumpster, washed it out and recycled it

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