Please don't give me shit for using plastic, I don't really care. It's just for fun, not necessity. Badass Bowl Bowl, no airflow between yellow and white things so it fills up through tubes. -Lip balm shell -air pump tubing Bubbler Simple bubbler, I made a bubbler using this exact jar a few years ago and happened to find it while looking for supplies. Decided to recreate it. -air pump tubing -perfect jar, lucky find Perc bong Bong with a built in 6-arm percolator(sorry, can't see the percolator, just trust me ) was bored and stoned 1 night, which got me started building these as a hobby. -Slider -Perfume container for base -Random tube from christmas -Aussie hairspray bottle(cleaned many times over) -Straws for percolator Perc bong V2 Heavily upgraded version of the 1 above. Bong with a built in 6-arm percolator(that you can now see), an ash catcher, a diffuser downstem(sorry you can't see it really), and tubes smoke travels through for the fuck of it(hard to see but there is a divider in between so smoke must travel through tubes) -Perc bong -Slider(made from a part of my hookah) -Spice container for ash catcher -Pen shell(modified into a diffuser) -Air pump tubing 4 chamber bong A bong with many hoses and chambers. Smoke gets filtered 3 times in 2 directions. If you look closely you can see the divider in the main chamber for the 4th chamber. -Slider -Random tube -Body spray bottle(washed many times over) -2 Large pill bottles -Air pump tubing More to come! Tell me whatcha think
The first one was pretty cool, just don't know if I would use cuz it's plastic.. still love the tubing idea though.