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Homemade bong

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by UNAB0MB3R, Jan 6, 2010.

  1. #1 UNAB0MB3R, Jan 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2010



    So this is what i did instead of sleeping last night. It features a pre-cooler and seperate diffusers on the end of each hose (cause two is always better than one) In need of a name, and a maiden voyage cause i smoked my stash building it :(
  2. milk it-
  3. cant name it til you rip the virginity out of it. its like naming a kid before its born
  4. And the lord said smoketh thy bong. then he said put a carb on it cause its hard as fuck to clear. haha hits pretty smooth though :)
  5. update: new bowl, added carb...and its been seshed! hits like a buttery vagina of smokey goodness.


  6. MMMMM!!!!
    Vagina Butter.

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