For those that don't know, oxidation (burn) of plastics causes a popularly known poison to be made as a byproduct.... cyanide. It's in it's active form as well. You are 100% absolutely positively poisoning yourself by smoking out of that. BTW Hitler killed himself and his family via cyanide. FYI
Still, it's important you realize how important it is to NOT smoke plastic. Try going to home depot and grabbing a short length of very small diameter metal tubing. Better yet, buy a cheap, but real, bong for 25 bucks.
why did you say you used a phone to make that? edit: ah shit sorry im blazed lol yeah so you took pictures with it i get it...
ahhhh dude thats something i would have said hahahaha but thats sick. never though about it...gonna have to try that
idk if you dipshits know this but it seems like he's getting annoyed by people saying not to smoke out of it. he prolly already did. and "hudini" said that oxidized plastic gives off cyanide. CIGARETTES DO TOO!! so... if you smoke out of plastic it's like smoking five cigarettes.
You'll be amazed how hot it gets. If you're using a BIC, you're burning that shit at almost 1000F (higher if you sustain your light). If you burn a large enough bowl, you could build up enough heat to bring it to high temps when smoking it. Just because you're not directly burning the plastic doesn't mean it's not being heated up, especially if the smoke hasn't even been precooled by any chambers yet. edit: looks cool though, good work, but we're just looking out for your health
I am working on a bong, I have 2 different slides for it. One is a non-chrome socket with a pen cap on the bottom for the slide, the other is a stainless steel funnel i found in my kitchen one day. The first downstem is metal, and once it is under the water I believe it isn't hot enough to melt the rest of the plastic in the entire bong. I should probably try to find another in case I don't want to use the ashcatcher sometime. Anyway its the ashcatcher, then in the actual bong a diffused downstem, into a one perc 3 tube chamber, then the mouthpiece with the ice catcher at the bottom. It'll be awesome when it's done. Your bong is mad cool though, dude. I like the ice chamber the best.
I'm actually incorrect with this lol. The poison was used as a backup if the bullet didn't kill him. He took the pill moments before he shot himself. Sorry for the misinformation!
Nice homemade bong dude. You should keep adding on to it and just make some epic looking bong. And yes Hitler took the cyanide capsule and then shot shot himself. His wife just did the cyanide capsule I think.