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Homemade bong (tell me what u think)

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Creepshow12, Dec 4, 2010.

  1. so this took me maybe 15 minutes to make and i got to say it hits like the real deal i want to know if you people like it or not so let me know

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  2. Looks cool. You can probably buy a similar acrylic one from your LHS for $20.

    So nice job saving $20. :smoking:
  3. Where does everyone get these crazy bottles.I use to use one liters or 20oz when id make them.Some worked better then my bong now :l
  4. thats a popcorn kernel bottle and 2 spice bottles melted together
  5. thats a popcorn bottle and 2 spice bottles glued together
  6. thats really really nice for only 15 minutes of work. you have the stoned mc gyver
  7. #7 fuzzymuffin, Dec 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 5, 2010
    Nice job as long as it hits well. My friends and I used to make our bongs out of mayo jars, lol.

  8. I think the same thing, melting things together always seems like to much.
  9. only suggestion is the downstem seems to be a bit high no pun intended lol
  10. We would just use hot glue. Welding plastic was too much of a pain in the ass and stunk to high hell.

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