Youre right Homesqueeze I'll either need to replace the tape or get a different stem after a few uses, which is probably all that this is getting since its just temp. I do have a question though, how much of the bong should be filled up for the smoke to properally go through the water?
Dude that is legit. And I see what you were talking about now. If I make another bong, I'll put the slide up there.
Dude throw that away and start over. You have to keep in mind that your contraption will get hot. What happens when you heat plastic? TOXIC FUMES!! Nothing you wanna be inhaling! Go buy yourself a metal stem and bowl from the local head shop and then start over. And NEVER use tape! It's even MORE TOXIC!! Bubblegum would make a better seal. lol! Good Luck man and stay away from plastic/rubber!!
try using a socket [like the kind for wrenches] as a bowl isntead of plastic..... metal man metal [glass is best but for homemades its usually metal]. dont ever smoke out of anything that has plastic near the flame.... rule of thumb if you dont want to poison yourself and die
If you would of read the whole thread you would of saw that I switched out the plastic bowl with a steel socket.
Nah he won't die. Just gotta put some foil in dat bowl. Here's mine, hits like a fucking champ. And it collects resin nice (i smoked it though)