im actually almost done modifying it now and i just finished cutting lots of holes in the tube so its defused, and since i was having trouble clearing it, i cut a hole in the part of the cylinder where the support tube is connected to the middle part of the cylinder and now its connected so its kind of like a carb and will let extra air in after i pull the slide out.ill have updates with pictures of the newly modified bong, and possibly a milkshot if my parents go to sleep early.
here it is after i modified it, idk if you can notice any difference in this picture Here is the tube after i added holes for diffusion, and i blocked the hole with a nut that has a smaller hole in it. Here is the hole that drilled since i had trouble clearing it, so that when i pull the slide out air will come through both the downstem and that tube in the picture hopefully i will be able to post a milk vid later on tonight if my parents aren't around
I would wash that bitch a bunch man. There could be some crazy chemicals In that. I would clean it good with some alcohol then water. Better safe then sorry
thanks man, i just milked a huge hit in it but i cant send the video to my email from my phone because its longer than 30 seconds... im gunna have to find anotheer camera if i can
yea it definitely dragged, but i just have to adjust the size of the carb hole i created, because some air was being sucked through there.
Cool if u can't but can u upload it with YouTube or something else I'm trying to show a bunch of kids ur hard work and tinypic uses fukin flash which doesn't like my iPhone.