Lets see those home made vapo pics here's mine. Wood box, soldering iron, stainless steel tablespoon bowl, mason jar, hookah tube, magnetic catch on door.
you fail. edit: not anymore, pictures are uploaded. you win! + rep for making, I'm too much of a lazy ass to make one my self.
? why fail? that pretty damn crafty. id post pics of my vap but we've all seen what a light bulb looks like. so i fail. OP win furshur.
Thanks guys. I'm looking at making a smaller more portable with a smaller mason jar and a battery powered soldering iron.
question for you my friend: I'm building one as well. I wanted to know .. don't you need another hole in there? in order to let you suck the vape? Like a choke on a small pipe... ? because if you can only suck the air OUT of the jar .. you create suction ? can you help me out a little bit please? thanks!!