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Home-made Toking Tools Ideas

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by MadbuddhA, Aug 9, 2010.

  1. I made this thread since i couldn't find one like it.

    For those of us who get stuck in the situation where we have no rolling papers, dutches, pieces or anything except for bud and the normal household things, what are some ideas for home-made tools? They can be made from anything, as basic as the apple pipe to as complex as a triple perc bong made out of Gatorade bottles.

    Post some of your ideas (that can actually be made with household items).

    Currently i have a dub and no papers, and i am way too lazy to drive to the gas station, so help me and fellow blades out!
  2. A waterfall bong is the simplest way to go and gives strong hits. all you need is a plastic bottle and a bowl of some kind. I use a metal piece that I got from lowes for 50 cents. just don't use tin foil. :smoke:
  3. get a socket and use it as a piece and shove it into a waterbottle or anything else :D
  4. something that my friends and i are planning on doing is making a bong out of a super soaker
  5. those air freshiners with the sticks. then get a pen and put it through the side.
  6. great ideas so far. Ive actually made a simple bong out of a poland spring water bottle with a pen for the downstem, the only problem is that i have nothing to make a bowl out of. Not using tin foil.
  7. cut a 1.5 inch circle out of aluminum (can) and then take 33.3% out of it (like taking 3 slices out of a whole pizza) then just make it into a cone by twisting, and get something to hold it in place (tape) and lastly use a nail or pen tip to get the right size hole. then you can attach it to a pen tube or something for a downtube.

    and if you say aluminum is bad, its not... it wont ever get hot enough to release vapors unless your using a tourch, and anyways the pen tube is worse and i dont see many companing about that...

    i personally use SS downtubes and sliders for all my home mades, but most people dont have that laying around... and now its time to go pick up =)
  8. if you are going to use a pen for the down stem,
    use a disposable one, and keep the plastic bottom part on.

    then heat up a pin or a tack with your lighter, and poke a bunch of holes at the very bottom of it where it makes contact with the water,
    and you have a diffuser downstem to add just a slight bit of class to your ghetto contraption.

  9. hahaha i never thought of that! Great idea. Im actually going to take the time and do that next time i make some crazy homemade bong.
  10. Thats not the best idea because imagine how fat of a resen build up your going to have with those super tiny holes.

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