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high-heat adhesive?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by CherrySmoke, Mar 22, 2013.

  1. #1 CherrySmoke, Mar 22, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2013
    So I have a broken ash catcher that I want to cut the female joint off of and make a home made piece with that as the joint so I can use my carbon filter/sliders... I think I'm going to use either a toilet riser or a brass tube (if I can find one) for the downstem, how can I safely attach the two without having to worry about heating the adhesive to the point of vaporizing/falling apart?

    e: I *will* be using an carbon filter with it all the time, so flame shouldn't touch it directly, here's the filter if anyone is curious: [​IMG]

    e2: Left the broken link even tho it's filtered to show why I'm not posting a picture, it's the scientific inhilations 18mm carbon filter :p Decent length
  2. Jb weld is good up to 500 degrees and most people have some laying around the house. If you don't just go to an automotive store and ask for some high temperature adhesive. They carry high temperature adhesives and paints and what not for use on and around engine blocks.

  3. Thank you :) I was thinking about doing that actually but I was worried glue manufactured for that purpose might not fare so well for my health lol. I have a day off Thursday that I'll go pick everything up, I'll post a pic if it works :)

  4. Good Luck!

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