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Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by WeedGrowsOnTrees, Aug 10, 2021.


Hemp wick or lighter?

  1. Hemp wick

    0 vote(s)
  2. Lighter

  1. Hemp wick or lighter for a bowl?
  2. Lighter.
    I usually smoke 1 hitters, it's a lot of work for 1 hit.
    If I'm smoking with a bunch of people, maybe a wick would be cool.
  3. Hemp wick lit by a lighter
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  4. ligter...without any doubt
  5. Hemp wick! It offers a smoother hit and I feel like it tastes better too.

    Sent from my SM-N950U using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  6. loaded flicwic
  7. flamethrower.jpg
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  8. Hemp wick doesn't seem worth it to me
  9. And why is that?
  10. The money I'd spend on it doesn't seem like it would be worth the investment to me. A lighter works fine and is less hassle. I know some people talk about the flavor being better but if the ash from the hemp wick falls in the bowl I think that would actually make it worse and it seems like that could pretty easily happen. (Yes I could be careful not to let it but that takes effort) Plus I have a nice vape and know that combustion will inherently not be as flavorful no matter what.
  11. Flicwic isn't that expensive. You get a couple rolls and the wic will last you because you put it out in the flicwic as soon as you're done lighting the bowl. I'm not gonna argue that the taste of the weed is better. It's better because you don't taste butane or lighter fuel at times like you do when using a lighter. Plus I'm just used to doing that way now as I have been for about 3 years now.

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