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~.::Help Me Make The Best Homemade Bong Possible::.~

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by YoungCheefer, Apr 28, 2009.

  1. Ok, I'm looking to make the RooR of all Homemade bongs. I want it to look like a real bong and maybe find a way to add in a IceCatcher. I already have a slide I'm thinking on using. Its easy cleaning and most of the parts are reusable. I have been looking really hard at getting one of those super long party cups. Ya know the ones with the big mouths skinny midsections and bong shaped bottoms. So hears my slide and I hope yall can help me.

    Oh yeah hears my slide.

  2. I wouldnt use the bic pen if i were you if you wanted to make it "the best bong"
  3. true story, good first post. That thing's gonna get all clogged up and nasty. If you're that desperate.. go ahead and use the pen. But if you could, try to find some kind of metal mechanical pencil or pen and hollow that out and use it. Good little contraption so far.

    by the way (for future reference).. "hear" means to hear something with your ears. The word "here" is what you're looking for :wave:
  4. Well its the best "homemade" bong. But yeah feel free to critique. But what should I use?
  5. I made a pretty nice homemade bong. I used a señor frogs cup a marker nd a metal bowl of some sort. People thought i bought it until they saw the marker. I suggest this method except don't use a marker, use some type of metal. Nd if u really want to make it the best u should make a tree perc nd an aschcatcher. Good luck
  6. I would recommend getting a glass bowl piece for the bowl they are like $3.50. I've never used a bic pen before or anything like that but from the picture it looks like the pen is very close to the bowl piece and i would guess you would be getting lots of plastic fumes when you smoke.

    When i make homemades i use vitamin waters or something of the sort so if i want to expand on the bong i can just screw the new pieces into the bottle.

    Sometime this week i plan on making a tutorial on homemade tree percs and ill gladly send the link your way when im done.

    Good luck with your bong and happy toking!:smoking:
  7. Get a nice tequila bottle and use that, right now i have a project with two bottles. The base is a fat cabowabo bottle with a homemade perc ontop of it and the top bottle is some really nice tall skinny red tequila bottle, not sure of the brand. It's glass on glass and i'm hoping to get an inline A/C for it soon, or an illy long A/C.
  8. not trying to revive a dead thread or anything, but i made a bong out of a senor frogs cup just like the one you are talking about with metal bowl/downstem. ill try and post pics soon
  9. Check out the winner to Five To One's Bong Competition. Learn to make a perculator and keep the volume to about .5 - 1.75 liters. It is important that the apparatus is completely air tight. Try to use rigid plastic bottles. Use a soldering iron to make your holes. If you dont have a soldering iron use a lighter and 'melt' the hole. It is best when using this technique to be patient and make the hole slightly smaller than the downstem. With enough practice you can jam the downstem (Bic Pen) in the bottle and you wouldnt even need a grommet to seal it. For the mistakes (which there should be none) use hot glue. Its messy but gets the job done. Consider the distance the bowl is from your face, accidents happen. Keep the downstem at about a 45 degree angle or more. You can keep the downstem at a sustained angle by making the bottom of the downstem touch the inside bottom corner of the bottle. Perculators are complex.. kinda. everyone has their own design (mine is the best though, due to simplicity).

    PM me for questions/details/advice.

    More home-mades to come once i get a camera. You guys have no idea.. :bongin:
  10. get yourself a bottle of corazon or BONG VODKA, a glass drill bit, a drill, and step-by-step insrtuctions on how to drill a hole in glass without shattering it. you will have acquired a new hobby and can make some really cool bongs out of some really cool glass bottles.
  11. Go to your local lamp store, the kind that sells parts, some really good hardware stores also have them . . . the standard metal bowl is called a knurled coupling. All of your calssic chamber pipe parts can be purchased at the right lamp part store. Check out Lamp Parts, Lighting Parts, and Chandelier parts - Grand Brass Lamp parts and lighting parts Super Store and tell me if that is the bowl you need. Then get some all thread and a rubber grommet, again at a lamp part store or a hardware store in them little drawers they have and your set.

    Bongs.US Homepage - American Made Works of Art

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