so my friend kind of freaking out cause he hit a dab pen , on Wednesday and it’s the end of Saturday and she is still high . Or feels it . She thought she figured out and it would be fine , so then she hit it again Friday , it is now the end of Saturday and she still feels like this . She says she doesn’t really know how to explain it but the closes she can is saying that it feels like weird and that she zones out a lot and it’s hard to focus like she use too . She said she feels like just not all the way and people are saying that it’s just gonna take time to feel sober again , cause she got high from Monday-Wednesday and she was never sober through that so people say she has to get use to being sober again so sober is her new high but why does she feel like this ? And if that’s true how long is it gonna last ? If it isn’t what’s wrong with her ?
She needs to stop using Cannabis, and her "high" will last from a few days to maybe a week or two. Tell her to look up Depersonalization Disorder, if she's curious what happened to her. Depersonalization is one possibility among others. If it lasts longer than a month, she may want to see a medical professional.
Nahh i just think these 12 year olds need to stop hitting their dab pens before their brains are fully developed. This is the future smh.
It's ok...From my recollection, young girls also love to pretend they're drunk after a sip of beer...I wouldn't worry too much. It's posturing/attention seeking. Either that or she's hit something poisonous. Nobody here is gonna "help" with words. Tell her you want to take her to hospital and she'll have to report what she did so they can help her, and watch how quick she straightens the fuck out.
Real talk. Even adults attention seek similar. Sent from my KING_KONG_3 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
lmao op's post made me laugh bc everyone here can tell theyre lil kids in middle school dat dont know wtf theyre doin hahaha, atleast he didnt flat out jus say his age which im sure is under 18
I swear the more I see posts like this the more I enjoy taking a few dabs and reading these. I sit and laugh my ass off for hours. But even if I hit a huge ass dab and go to bed I yet to wake up high. Only time i do that is when I munch on eddiables, I forget at times my cookies are made with my way too strong butter and munch a few, go to bed then wake up baked. It only lasts half a day or so. This shit is just too funny.
My first time smoking I was 8, I hit a homemade bong, and this did not happen to me , must be a her thing
Alright on the chance you're being serious, i have had a similar issue in highschool. I smoked out of a friends bowl only to find out later, he was also smoking nutmeg (im sorry if this is considered an unmentionable, just figured its a legal spice for food so it should be ok? idk dont ever do it). I found this out after i started seeing tracers, and shadows, and my whole left side like tensed up, chest, feet, everything left side. After i was freaking out they let me know what was in it. Well I thought i was going to die that night, and the next day i woke up chest sore as hell, but felt really off, like watching in 3rd person. Id have times where i would "zone" into me. And feel in the moment. It was scary but after almost 6 months it went away.