Heya, I've been smoking almost 10 years, I came across a new piece and bought it and didn't even realize I wouldn't know how to use it. Pics included. Also there is no carb just a wide bowl and then a small solid stem that fits inside and sits on the lip of the bong, whether it belongs there or not... Lol... Any ideas? Please and Thank You!
That’s funny stuff right there! If youre new to dabbin, which my rig looks totally different- watch out
3 goes into 1. Heat 3 with torch. When it's ready put 2 over 3 and 1. Your dab then goes into the top of 2 and down onto 3. Sent from my CPH1831 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Very nice explanation. Never used one like that just throwing darts. Mine is just a bong with a bucket stem, heat the bucket and drop your dab, cover w/ “plug” ( I use the round bottom of one of my small glass pipes/ fits well with the top of the bucket)